'use strict' const CATCH_ALL = /()(.+)/gi const SCISSOR = '# ------------------------ >8 ------------------------' function trimOffNewlines (input) { const result = input.match(/[^\r\n]/) if (!result) { return '' } const firstIndex = result.index let lastIndex = input.length - 1 while (input[lastIndex] === '\r' || input[lastIndex] === '\n') { lastIndex-- } return input.substring(firstIndex, lastIndex + 1) } function append (src, line) { if (src) { src += '\n' + line } else { src = line } return src } function getCommentFilter (char) { return function (line) { return line.charAt(0) !== char } } function truncateToScissor (lines) { const scissorIndex = lines.indexOf(SCISSOR) if (scissorIndex === -1) { return lines } return lines.slice(0, scissorIndex) } function getReferences (input, regex) { const references = [] let referenceSentences let referenceMatch const reApplicable = input.match(regex.references) !== null ? regex.references : CATCH_ALL while ((referenceSentences = reApplicable.exec(input))) { const action = referenceSentences[1] || null const sentence = referenceSentences[2] while ((referenceMatch = regex.referenceParts.exec(sentence))) { let owner = null let repository = referenceMatch[1] || '' const ownerRepo = repository.split('/') if (ownerRepo.length > 1) { owner = ownerRepo.shift() repository = ownerRepo.join('/') } const reference = { action, owner, repository: repository || null, issue: referenceMatch[3], raw: referenceMatch[0], prefix: referenceMatch[2] } references.push(reference) } } return references } function passTrough () { return true } function parser (raw, options, regex) { if (!raw || !raw.trim()) { throw new TypeError('Expected a raw commit') } if (!options || (typeof options === 'object' && !Object.keys(options).length)) { throw new TypeError('Expected options') } if (!regex) { throw new TypeError('Expected regex') } let currentProcessedField let mentionsMatch const otherFields = {} const commentFilter = typeof options.commentChar === 'string' ? getCommentFilter(options.commentChar) : passTrough const gpgFilter = line => !line.match(/^\s*gpg:/) const rawLines = trimOffNewlines(raw).split(/\r?\n/) const lines = truncateToScissor(rawLines).filter(commentFilter).filter(gpgFilter) let continueNote = false let isBody = true const headerCorrespondence = options.headerCorrespondence?.map(function (part) { return part.trim() }) || [] const revertCorrespondence = options.revertCorrespondence?.map(function (field) { return field.trim() }) || [] const mergeCorrespondence = options.mergeCorrespondence?.map(function (field) { return field.trim() }) || [] let body = null let footer = null let header = null const mentions = [] let merge = null const notes = [] const references = [] let revert = null if (lines.length === 0) { return { body, footer, header, mentions, merge, notes, references, revert, scope: null, subject: null, type: null } } // msg parts merge = lines.shift() const mergeParts = {} const headerParts = {} body = '' footer = '' const mergeMatch = merge.match(options.mergePattern) if (mergeMatch && options.mergePattern) { merge = mergeMatch[0] header = lines.shift() while (header !== undefined && !header.trim()) { header = lines.shift() } if (!header) { header = '' } mergeCorrespondence.forEach(function (partName, index) { const partValue = mergeMatch[index + 1] || null mergeParts[partName] = partValue }) } else { header = merge merge = null mergeCorrespondence.forEach(function (partName) { mergeParts[partName] = null }) } const headerMatch = header.match(options.headerPattern) if (headerMatch) { headerCorrespondence.forEach(function (partName, index) { const partValue = headerMatch[index + 1] || null headerParts[partName] = partValue }) } else { headerCorrespondence.forEach(function (partName) { headerParts[partName] = null }) } references.push(...getReferences(header, { references: regex.references, referenceParts: regex.referenceParts })) // body or footer lines.forEach(function (line) { if (options.fieldPattern) { const fieldMatch = options.fieldPattern.exec(line) if (fieldMatch) { currentProcessedField = fieldMatch[1] return } if (currentProcessedField) { otherFields[currentProcessedField] = append(otherFields[currentProcessedField], line) return } } let referenceMatched // this is a new important note const notesMatch = line.match(regex.notes) if (notesMatch) { continueNote = true isBody = false footer = append(footer, line) const note = { title: notesMatch[1], text: notesMatch[2] } notes.push(note) return } const lineReferences = getReferences(line, { references: regex.references, referenceParts: regex.referenceParts }) if (lineReferences.length > 0) { isBody = false referenceMatched = true continueNote = false } Array.prototype.push.apply(references, lineReferences) if (referenceMatched) { footer = append(footer, line) return } if (continueNote) { notes[notes.length - 1].text = append(notes[notes.length - 1].text, line) footer = append(footer, line) return } if (isBody) { body = append(body, line) } else { footer = append(footer, line) } }) if (options.breakingHeaderPattern && notes.length === 0) { const breakingHeader = header.match(options.breakingHeaderPattern) if (breakingHeader) { const noteText = breakingHeader[3] // the description of the change. notes.push({ title: 'BREAKING CHANGE', text: noteText }) } } while ((mentionsMatch = regex.mentions.exec(raw))) { mentions.push(mentionsMatch[1]) } // does this commit revert any other commit? const revertMatch = raw.match(options.revertPattern) if (revertMatch) { revert = {} revertCorrespondence.forEach(function (partName, index) { const partValue = revertMatch[index + 1] || null revert[partName] = partValue }) } else { revert = null } notes.forEach(function (note) { note.text = trimOffNewlines(note.text) }) const msg = { ...headerParts, ...mergeParts, merge, header, body: body ? trimOffNewlines(body) : null, footer: footer ? trimOffNewlines(footer) : null, notes, references, mentions, revert, ...otherFields } return msg } module.exports = parser