import {promisify} from 'util'; import crypto from 'crypto'; const randomBytesAsync = promisify(crypto.randomBytes); const urlSafeCharacters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._~'.split(''); const numericCharacters = '0123456789'.split(''); const distinguishableCharacters = 'CDEHKMPRTUWXY012458'.split(''); const asciiPrintableCharacters = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'.split(''); const alphanumericCharacters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'.split(''); const generateForCustomCharacters = (length, characters) => { // Generating entropy is faster than complex math operations, so we use the simplest way const characterCount = characters.length; const maxValidSelector = (Math.floor(0x10000 / characterCount) * characterCount) - 1; // Using values above this will ruin distribution when using modular division const entropyLength = 2 * Math.ceil(1.1 * length); // Generating a bit more than required so chances we need more than one pass will be really low let string = ''; let stringLength = 0; while (stringLength < length) { // In case we had many bad values, which may happen for character sets of size above 0x8000 but close to it const entropy = crypto.randomBytes(entropyLength); let entropyPosition = 0; while (entropyPosition < entropyLength && stringLength < length) { const entropyValue = entropy.readUInt16LE(entropyPosition); entropyPosition += 2; if (entropyValue > maxValidSelector) { // Skip values which will ruin distribution when using modular division continue; } string += characters[entropyValue % characterCount]; stringLength++; } } return string; }; const generateForCustomCharactersAsync = async (length, characters) => { // Generating entropy is faster than complex math operations, so we use the simplest way const characterCount = characters.length; const maxValidSelector = (Math.floor(0x10000 / characterCount) * characterCount) - 1; // Using values above this will ruin distribution when using modular division const entropyLength = 2 * Math.ceil(1.1 * length); // Generating a bit more than required so chances we need more than one pass will be really low let string = ''; let stringLength = 0; while (stringLength < length) { // In case we had many bad values, which may happen for character sets of size above 0x8000 but close to it const entropy = await randomBytesAsync(entropyLength); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop let entropyPosition = 0; while (entropyPosition < entropyLength && stringLength < length) { const entropyValue = entropy.readUInt16LE(entropyPosition); entropyPosition += 2; if (entropyValue > maxValidSelector) { // Skip values which will ruin distribution when using modular division continue; } string += characters[entropyValue % characterCount]; stringLength++; } } return string; }; const generateRandomBytes = (byteLength, type, length) => crypto.randomBytes(byteLength).toString(type).slice(0, length); const generateRandomBytesAsync = async (byteLength, type, length) => { const buffer = await randomBytesAsync(byteLength); return buffer.toString(type).slice(0, length); }; const allowedTypes = new Set([ undefined, 'hex', 'base64', 'url-safe', 'numeric', 'distinguishable', 'ascii-printable', 'alphanumeric' ]); const createGenerator = (generateForCustomCharacters, generateRandomBytes) => ({length, type, characters}) => { if (!(length >= 0 && Number.isFinite(length))) { throw new TypeError('Expected a `length` to be a non-negative finite number'); } if (type !== undefined && characters !== undefined) { throw new TypeError('Expected either `type` or `characters`'); } if (characters !== undefined && typeof characters !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Expected `characters` to be string'); } if (!allowedTypes.has(type)) { throw new TypeError(`Unknown type: ${type}`); } if (type === undefined && characters === undefined) { type = 'hex'; } if (type === 'hex' || (type === undefined && characters === undefined)) { return generateRandomBytes(Math.ceil(length * 0.5), 'hex', length); // Need 0.5 byte entropy per character } if (type === 'base64') { return generateRandomBytes(Math.ceil(length * 0.75), 'base64', length); // Need 0.75 byte of entropy per character } if (type === 'url-safe') { return generateForCustomCharacters(length, urlSafeCharacters); } if (type === 'numeric') { return generateForCustomCharacters(length, numericCharacters); } if (type === 'distinguishable') { return generateForCustomCharacters(length, distinguishableCharacters); } if (type === 'ascii-printable') { return generateForCustomCharacters(length, asciiPrintableCharacters); } if (type === 'alphanumeric') { return generateForCustomCharacters(length, alphanumericCharacters); } if (characters.length === 0) { throw new TypeError('Expected `characters` string length to be greater than or equal to 1'); } if (characters.length > 0x10000) { throw new TypeError('Expected `characters` string length to be less or equal to 65536'); } return generateForCustomCharacters(length, characters.split('')); }; const cryptoRandomString = createGenerator(generateForCustomCharacters, generateRandomBytes); cryptoRandomString.async = createGenerator(generateForCustomCharactersAsync, generateRandomBytesAsync); export default cryptoRandomString;