declare namespace dateTime { interface Options { /** Custom date. @default new Date() */ date?: Date; /** Show the date in the local time zone. @default false */ local?: boolean; /** Show the UTC time zone postfix. @default false */ showTimeZone?: boolean; /** Show the milliseconds in the date if any. @default false */ showMilliseconds?: boolean; } } declare const dateTime: { /** Pretty datetime: `2014-01-09 06:46:01`. @example ``` import dateTime = require('date-time'); dateTime(); //=> '2017-05-20 17:07:05' dateTime({date: new Date(1989, 2, 4, 10)}); //=> '1989-03-04 09:00:00' dateTime({showTimeZone: true}); //=> '2017-05-20 17:07:05 UTC+7' dateTime({local: false}); //=> '2017-05-20 10:07:05' dateTime({local: false, showTimeZone: true}); //=> '2017-05-20 10:07:05 UTC' dateTime({showMilliseconds: true}); //=> '2017-05-20 17:07:05 6ms' ``` */ (options?: dateTime.Options): string; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release, refactor the whole definition to: // declare function dateTime(options?: dateTime.Options): string; // export = dateTime; default: typeof dateTime; }; export = dateTime;