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helpd= SourcemMicrosoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Tools.LightStrings)CommandLineArguments?EXP_BindFileOptionNotApplicableGEXP_CannotLinkObjFilesWithOutpuFileHelpMessageQ2B€       E)-1I E    ) -  1     h)eimquyU}yyyuyuy y  Q      UY y  UU    ]  u    i y  i  y  m m }  U  % }mq }  ] }     Y  Y  =E   A A z\V45oͨ+$$RSA1A|Fx{=PjJ"QvhhMM 8۬fji`|4٬0q)` *ث ?_ݿW 0h#MQUY]A A  UTWrapNonExceptionThrowsWiX Toolset Linker Linker Foundation>9Copyright (c) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved."Windows Installer XML Toolset en-US@3System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder2.0.0.0s lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADPS_-p(CommandLineArguments>EXP_BindFileOptionNotApplicable6 FEXP_CannotLinkObjFilesWithOutpuFile{ HelpMessage  -ai allow identical rows, identical rows will be treated as a warning -au (experimental) allow unresolved references (will not create a valid output) -b specify a binder path to locate all files (default: current directory) prefix the path with 'name=' where 'name' is the name of your named bindpath. -bf bind files into a wixout (only valid with -xo option) (deprecated) -binder specify a specific custom binder to use provided by an extension (deprecated) -cultures: semicolon or comma delimited list of localized string cultures to load from .wxl files and libraries. Precedence of cultures is from left to right. -d[=] define a wix variable, with or without a value. -dut drop unreal tables from the output image (deprecated) -ext extension assembly or "class, assembly" -loc read localization strings from .wxl file -nologo skip printing light logo information -notidy do not delete temporary files (useful for debugging) -o[ut] specify output file (default: write to current directory) -pedantic show pedantic messages -sadmin suppress default admin sequence actions (deprecated) -sadv suppress default adv sequence actions (deprecated) -sloc suppress localization -sma suppress processing the data in MsiAssembly table (deprecated) -ss suppress schema validation of documents (performance boost) (deprecated) -sts suppress tagging sectionId attribute on rows (deprecated) -sui suppress default UI sequence actions (deprecated) -sv suppress intermediate file version mismatch checking (deprecated) -sw[N] suppress all warnings or a specific message ID (example: -sw1009 -sw1103) -swall suppress all warnings (deprecated) -usf unreferenced symbols file -v verbose output -wx[N] treat all warnings or a specific message ID as an error (example: -wx1009 -wx1103) -wxall treat all warnings as errors (deprecated) -xo output wixout format instead of MSI format -? | -help this help informationCThe -bf (bind files) option is only applicable with the -xo option.FCannot link object files (.wixobj) files with an output file (.wixout) usage: light.exe [-?] [-b bindPath] [-nologo] [-out outputFile] objectFile [objectFile ...] [@responseFile] {0} Binder arguments: {1} Environment variables: WIX_TEMP overrides the temporary directory used for cab creation, msm exploding, ...H9\0G~n2\%4Z}~Qc;|Zijֻ|G CAz8M=5q !//߾B^z OrߜwLoqXF1c*"# OFlUX WiX Toolset Linker ` =