# CONTRIBUTING When contributing to this project, please keep in mind the following: - The hook must remain as simple as possible. It's only a low-level "proxy" to a ResizeObserver instance aiming for correctness, which should not add or polyfill features on top. All that can be done by composing hooks. - All features must be covered with test(s). It's also best to first submit an issue, before creating a pull request so that the required feature can be discussed, as well as the actual implementation. ## Adding a New Feature - Open an issue, so that a discussion can take place, - Once discussed, add the changes to `src/index.ts` accordingly (make sure TS types are respected as well), - Add new test(s) to cover the new feature in: `test/testing-lib.tsx`. Ignore the other test files, as they're fairly old and much harder to add new ones to them compared to just using react testing lib. - Run all the tests to ensure there are no regressions: `yarn test`, ## Using Watch Modes While Developing There are other test-related scripts in package.json, to enhance the developer experience. While making changes you might want to watch the source files, and build them automatically, as well as having Karma run a (non-headless) Chrome instance every time a change was made. To do so: - Run `yarn src:watch` in a terminal tab - Run `yarn karma:watch` in another. Don't forget to run `yarn test` at the end once you're done with everything, to make sure the new code is tested for regressions. If you have a Browserstack account, then you can also run the tests in real browsers using the `test:bs:*` commands. Just make sure you have the following env variables set: `BS_USERNAME`, `BS_ACCESS_KEY`.