# uuid-random
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Generate RFC-4122 compliant [random UUIDs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier#Version_4_.28random.29) (version 4) with better [statistical dispersion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_dispersion) than `Math.random()`.
## Install
npm i uuid-random
Or download the [latest release](https://github.com/jchook/uuid-random/releases).
## Features
* Tiny (0.6k minified + gzipped)
* Uses [cryptographic randomness](http://caniuse.com/#feat=getrandomvalues) when possible
* Very fast!
## Compatability
Compatible with almost all versions of:
- Node
- Babel
- TypeScript
- Web browsers
## Performance
The included `benchmark.js` as well as [independent benchmarks](https://github.com/aarondcohen/benchmark-guid) rank this library as the _fastest_ pure JS UUID v4 generator available with cryptographically secure PRNG— almost **20x faster** than the most popular library (using latest NodeJS).
| npm package | performance |
| portable-uuid | 354k ops/sec |
| uuid | 474k ops/sec |
| id128 | 6.0M ops/sec |
| **uuid-random** (this) | **9.7M ops/sec** |
*Results above generated on a 4.20GHz Intel i7-7700K with Node v12.18.0*
## Why use UUID?
**U**niversally **U**nique **ID**entifiers transcend many constraints of traditional incremental integer IDs, especially in distributed systems. In UUID version 4, we essentially generate a random 128-bit value.
We do trade guaranteed uniqueness for __extremely__ probable uniqueness (you would need to do-loop `uuid()` at max speed for 73,067 years for a 50% chance of **one** collision). But for that slight cost, we may now generate valid, unique, persistent IDs on any node of a distributed system (e.g. intermittently offline or high-latency clients).
_Note, if you plan to use UUIDs for a new project, depending on your requirements, you may consider a more recent standard that addresses some of the shortcomings of UUID, such as [flake-id](https://github.com/T-PWK/flake-idgen), [nanoid](https://github.com/ai/nanoid), [cuid](https://github.com/ericelliott/cuid), or [ulid](https://github.com/ulid/spec)._
## Example Usage
### Babel
import uuid from 'uuid-random';
uuid(); // 'f32dc9ae-7ca8-44ca-8f25-f258f7331c55'
### Node
var uuid = require('uuid-random');
uuid(); // '0b99b82f-62cf-4275-88b3-de039020f14e'
### Browser
### Validate a UUID v4 String
uuid.test('0b99b82f-62cf-4275-88b3-de039020f14e'); // true
### Generate Binary UUIDs
uuid.bin(); //
## Contributing
Feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/jchook/uuid-random/issues) or submit a [pull request](https://github.com/jchook/uuid-random/pulls).
## License