(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global.window = global.window || {})); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /*! * EasePack 3.12.2 * https://greensock.com * * @license Copyright 2008-2023, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership. * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ var gsap, _registerEase, _getGSAP = function _getGSAP() { return gsap || typeof window !== "undefined" && (gsap = window.gsap) && gsap.registerPlugin && gsap; }, _boolean = function _boolean(value, defaultValue) { return !!(typeof value === "undefined" ? defaultValue : value && !~(value + "").indexOf("false")); }, _initCore = function _initCore(core) { gsap = core || _getGSAP(); if (gsap) { _registerEase = gsap.registerEase; var eases = gsap.parseEase(), createConfig = function createConfig(ease) { return function (ratio) { var y = 0.5 + ratio / 2; ease.config = function (p) { return ease(2 * (1 - p) * p * y + p * p); }; }; }, p; for (p in eases) { if (!eases[p].config) { createConfig(eases[p]); } } _registerEase("slow", SlowMo); _registerEase("expoScale", ExpoScaleEase); _registerEase("rough", RoughEase); for (p in EasePack) { p !== "version" && gsap.core.globals(p, EasePack[p]); } } }, _createSlowMo = function _createSlowMo(linearRatio, power, yoyoMode) { linearRatio = Math.min(1, linearRatio || 0.7); var pow = linearRatio < 1 ? power || power === 0 ? power : 0.7 : 0, p1 = (1 - linearRatio) / 2, p3 = p1 + linearRatio, calcEnd = _boolean(yoyoMode); return function (p) { var r = p + (0.5 - p) * pow; return p < p1 ? calcEnd ? 1 - (p = 1 - p / p1) * p : r - (p = 1 - p / p1) * p * p * p * r : p > p3 ? calcEnd ? p === 1 ? 0 : 1 - (p = (p - p3) / p1) * p : r + (p - r) * (p = (p - p3) / p1) * p * p * p : calcEnd ? 1 : r; }; }, _createExpoScale = function _createExpoScale(start, end, ease) { var p1 = Math.log(end / start), p2 = end - start; ease && (ease = gsap.parseEase(ease)); return function (p) { return (start * Math.exp(p1 * (ease ? ease(p) : p)) - start) / p2; }; }, EasePoint = function EasePoint(time, value, next) { this.t = time; this.v = value; if (next) { this.next = next; next.prev = this; this.c = next.v - value; this.gap = next.t - time; } }, _createRoughEase = function _createRoughEase(vars) { if (typeof vars !== "object") { vars = { points: +vars || 20 }; } var taper = vars.taper || "none", a = [], cnt = 0, points = (+vars.points || 20) | 0, i = points, randomize = _boolean(vars.randomize, true), clamp = _boolean(vars.clamp), template = gsap ? gsap.parseEase(vars.template) : 0, strength = (+vars.strength || 1) * 0.4, x, y, bump, invX, obj, pnt, recent; while (--i > -1) { x = randomize ? Math.random() : 1 / points * i; y = template ? template(x) : x; if (taper === "none") { bump = strength; } else if (taper === "out") { invX = 1 - x; bump = invX * invX * strength; } else if (taper === "in") { bump = x * x * strength; } else if (x < 0.5) { invX = x * 2; bump = invX * invX * 0.5 * strength; } else { invX = (1 - x) * 2; bump = invX * invX * 0.5 * strength; } if (randomize) { y += Math.random() * bump - bump * 0.5; } else if (i % 2) { y += bump * 0.5; } else { y -= bump * 0.5; } if (clamp) { if (y > 1) { y = 1; } else if (y < 0) { y = 0; } } a[cnt++] = { x: x, y: y }; } a.sort(function (a, b) { return a.x - b.x; }); pnt = new EasePoint(1, 1, null); i = points; while (i--) { obj = a[i]; pnt = new EasePoint(obj.x, obj.y, pnt); } recent = new EasePoint(0, 0, pnt.t ? pnt : pnt.next); return function (p) { var pnt = recent; if (p > pnt.t) { while (pnt.next && p >= pnt.t) { pnt = pnt.next; } pnt = pnt.prev; } else { while (pnt.prev && p <= pnt.t) { pnt = pnt.prev; } } recent = pnt; return pnt.v + (p - pnt.t) / pnt.gap * pnt.c; }; }; var SlowMo = _createSlowMo(0.7); SlowMo.ease = SlowMo; SlowMo.config = _createSlowMo; var ExpoScaleEase = _createExpoScale(1, 2); ExpoScaleEase.config = _createExpoScale; var RoughEase = _createRoughEase(); RoughEase.ease = RoughEase; RoughEase.config = _createRoughEase; var EasePack = { SlowMo: SlowMo, RoughEase: RoughEase, ExpoScaleEase: ExpoScaleEase }; for (var p in EasePack) { EasePack[p].register = _initCore; EasePack[p].version = "3.12.2"; } _getGSAP() && gsap.registerPlugin(SlowMo); exports.EasePack = EasePack; exports.ExpoScaleEase = ExpoScaleEase; exports.RoughEase = RoughEase; exports.SlowMo = SlowMo; exports.default = EasePack; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));