/*! * matrix 3.12.2 * https://greensock.com * * Copyright 2008-2023, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership. * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ /* eslint-disable */ let _doc, _win, _docElement, _body, _divContainer, _svgContainer, _identityMatrix, _gEl, _transformProp = "transform", _transformOriginProp = _transformProp + "Origin", _hasOffsetBug, _setDoc = element => { let doc = element.ownerDocument || element; if (!(_transformProp in element.style) && "msTransform" in element.style) { //to improve compatibility with old Microsoft browsers _transformProp = "msTransform"; _transformOriginProp = _transformProp + "Origin"; } while (doc.parentNode && (doc = doc.parentNode)) { } _win = window; _identityMatrix = new Matrix2D(); if (doc) { _doc = doc; _docElement = doc.documentElement; _body = doc.body; _gEl = _doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); // prevent any existing CSS from transforming it _gEl.style.transform = "none"; // now test for the offset reporting bug. Use feature detection instead of browser sniffing to make things more bulletproof and future-proof. Hopefully Safari will fix their bug soon but it's 2020 and it's still not fixed. let d1 = doc.createElement("div"), d2 = doc.createElement("div"); _body.appendChild(d1); d1.appendChild(d2); d1.style.position = "static"; d1.style[_transformProp] = "translate3d(0,0,1px)"; _hasOffsetBug = (d2.offsetParent !== d1); _body.removeChild(d1); } return doc; }, _forceNonZeroScale = e => { // walks up the element's ancestors and finds any that had their scale set to 0 via GSAP, and changes them to 0.0001 to ensure that measurements work. Firefox has a bug that causes it to incorrectly report getBoundingClientRect() when scale is 0. let a, cache; while (e && e !== _body) { cache = e._gsap; cache && cache.uncache && cache.get(e, "x"); // force re-parsing of transforms if necessary if (cache && !cache.scaleX && !cache.scaleY && cache.renderTransform) { cache.scaleX = cache.scaleY = 1e-4; cache.renderTransform(1, cache); a ? a.push(cache) : (a = [cache]); } e = e.parentNode; } return a; }, // possible future addition: pass an element to _forceDisplay() and it'll walk up all its ancestors and make sure anything with display: none is set to display: block, and if there's no parentNode, it'll add it to the body. It returns an Array that you can then feed to _revertDisplay() to have it revert all the changes it made. // _forceDisplay = e => { // let a = [], // parent; // while (e && e !== _body) { // parent = e.parentNode; // (_win.getComputedStyle(e).display === "none" || !parent) && a.push(e, e.style.display, parent) && (e.style.display = "block"); // parent || _body.appendChild(e); // e = parent; // } // return a; // }, // _revertDisplay = a => { // for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i+=3) { // a[i+1] ? (a[i].style.display = a[i+1]) : a[i].style.removeProperty("display"); // a[i+2] || a[i].parentNode.removeChild(a[i]); // } // }, _svgTemps = [], //we create 3 elements for SVG, and 3 for other DOM elements and cache them for performance reasons. They get nested in _divContainer and _svgContainer so that just one element is added to the DOM on each successive attempt. Again, performance is key. _divTemps = [], _getDocScrollTop = () => _win.pageYOffset || _doc.scrollTop || _docElement.scrollTop || _body.scrollTop || 0, _getDocScrollLeft = () => _win.pageXOffset || _doc.scrollLeft || _docElement.scrollLeft || _body.scrollLeft || 0, _svgOwner = element => element.ownerSVGElement || ((element.tagName + "").toLowerCase() === "svg" ? element : null), _isFixed = element => { if (_win.getComputedStyle(element).position === "fixed") { return true; } element = element.parentNode; if (element && element.nodeType === 1) { // avoid document fragments which will throw an error. return _isFixed(element); } }, _createSibling = (element, i) => { if (element.parentNode && (_doc || _setDoc(element))) { let svg = _svgOwner(element), ns = svg ? (svg.getAttribute("xmlns") || "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg") : "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", type = svg ? (i ? "rect" : "g") : "div", x = i !== 2 ? 0 : 100, y = i === 3 ? 100 : 0, css = "position:absolute;display:block;pointer-events:none;margin:0;padding:0;", e = _doc.createElementNS ? _doc.createElementNS(ns.replace(/^https/, "http"), type) : _doc.createElement(type); if (i) { if (!svg) { if (!_divContainer) { _divContainer = _createSibling(element); _divContainer.style.cssText = css; } e.style.cssText = css + "width:0.1px;height:0.1px;top:" + y + "px;left:" + x + "px"; _divContainer.appendChild(e); } else { _svgContainer || (_svgContainer = _createSibling(element)); e.setAttribute("width", 0.01); e.setAttribute("height", 0.01); e.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"); _svgContainer.appendChild(e); } } return e; } throw "Need document and parent."; }, _consolidate = m => { // replaces SVGTransformList.consolidate() because a bug in Firefox causes it to break pointer events. See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/23248-touch-is-not-working-on-draggable-in-firefox-windows-v324/?tab=comments#comment-109800 let c = new Matrix2D(), i = 0; for (; i < m.numberOfItems; i++) { c.multiply(m.getItem(i).matrix); } return c; }, _getCTM = svg => { let m = svg.getCTM(), transform; if (!m) { // Firefox returns null for getCTM() on root elements, so this is a workaround using a that we temporarily append. transform = svg.style[_transformProp]; svg.style[_transformProp] = "none"; // a bug in Firefox causes css transforms to contaminate the getCTM() svg.appendChild(_gEl); m = _gEl.getCTM(); svg.removeChild(_gEl); transform ? (svg.style[_transformProp] = transform) : svg.style.removeProperty(_transformProp.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()); } return m || _identityMatrix.clone(); // Firefox will still return null if the has a width/height of 0 in the browser. }, _placeSiblings = (element, adjustGOffset) => { let svg = _svgOwner(element), isRootSVG = element === svg, siblings = svg ? _svgTemps : _divTemps, parent = element.parentNode, container, m, b, x, y, cs; if (element === _win) { return element; } siblings.length || siblings.push(_createSibling(element, 1), _createSibling(element, 2), _createSibling(element, 3)); container = svg ? _svgContainer : _divContainer; if (svg) { if (isRootSVG) { b = _getCTM(element); x = -b.e / b.a; y = -b.f / b.d; m = _identityMatrix; } else if (element.getBBox) { b = element.getBBox(); m = element.transform ? element.transform.baseVal : {}; // IE11 doesn't follow the spec. m = !m.numberOfItems ? _identityMatrix : m.numberOfItems > 1 ? _consolidate(m) : m.getItem(0).matrix; // don't call m.consolidate().matrix because a bug in Firefox makes pointer events not work when consolidate() is called on the same tick as getBoundingClientRect()! See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/23248-touch-is-not-working-on-draggable-in-firefox-windows-v324/?tab=comments#comment-109800 x = m.a * b.x + m.c * b.y; y = m.b * b.x + m.d * b.y; } else { // may be a which has no getBBox() so just use defaults instead of throwing errors. m = new Matrix2D(); x = y = 0; } if (adjustGOffset && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === "g") { x = y = 0; } (isRootSVG ? svg : parent).appendChild(container); container.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + m.a + "," + m.b + "," + m.c + "," + m.d + "," + (m.e + x) + "," + (m.f + y) + ")"); } else { x = y = 0; if (_hasOffsetBug) { // some browsers (like Safari) have a bug that causes them to misreport offset values. When an ancestor element has a transform applied, it's supposed to treat it as if it's position: relative (new context). Safari botches this, so we need to find the closest ancestor (between the element and its offsetParent) that has a transform applied and if one is found, grab its offsetTop/Left and subtract them to compensate. m = element.offsetParent; b = element; while (b && (b = b.parentNode) && b !== m && b.parentNode) { if ((_win.getComputedStyle(b)[_transformProp] + "").length > 4) { x = b.offsetLeft; y = b.offsetTop; b = 0; } } } cs = _win.getComputedStyle(element); if (cs.position !== "absolute" && cs.position !== "fixed") { m = element.offsetParent; while (parent && parent !== m) { // if there's an ancestor element between the element and its offsetParent that's scrolled, we must factor that in. x += parent.scrollLeft || 0; y += parent.scrollTop || 0; parent = parent.parentNode; } } b = container.style; b.top = (element.offsetTop - y) + "px"; b.left = (element.offsetLeft - x) + "px"; b[_transformProp] = cs[_transformProp]; b[_transformOriginProp] = cs[_transformOriginProp]; // b.border = m.border; // b.borderLeftStyle = m.borderLeftStyle; // b.borderTopStyle = m.borderTopStyle; // b.borderLeftWidth = m.borderLeftWidth; // b.borderTopWidth = m.borderTopWidth; b.position = cs.position === "fixed" ? "fixed" : "absolute"; element.parentNode.appendChild(container); } return container; }, _setMatrix = (m, a, b, c, d, e, f) => { m.a = a; m.b = b; m.c = c; m.d = d; m.e = e; m.f = f; return m; }; export class Matrix2D { constructor(a=1, b=0, c=0, d=1, e=0, f=0) { _setMatrix(this, a, b, c, d, e, f); } inverse() { let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this, determinant = (a * d - b * c) || 1e-10; return _setMatrix( this, d / determinant, -b / determinant, -c / determinant, a / determinant, (c * f - d * e) / determinant, -(a * f - b * e) / determinant ); } multiply(matrix) { let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this, a2 = matrix.a, b2 = matrix.c, c2 = matrix.b, d2 = matrix.d, e2 = matrix.e, f2 = matrix.f; return _setMatrix(this, a2 * a + c2 * c, a2 * b + c2 * d, b2 * a + d2 * c, b2 * b + d2 * d, e + e2 * a + f2 * c, f + e2 * b + f2 * d); } clone() { return new Matrix2D(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f); } equals(matrix) { let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this; return (a === matrix.a && b === matrix.b && c === matrix.c && d === matrix.d && e === matrix.e && f === matrix.f); } apply(point, decoratee={}) { let {x, y} = point, {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this; decoratee.x = (x * a + y * c + e) || 0; decoratee.y = (x * b + y * d + f) || 0; return decoratee; } } // Feed in an element and it'll return a 2D matrix (optionally inverted) so that you can translate between coordinate spaces. // Inverting lets you translate a global point into a local coordinate space. No inverting lets you go the other way. // We needed this to work around various browser bugs, like Firefox doesn't accurately report getScreenCTM() when there // are transforms applied to ancestor elements. // The matrix math to convert any x/y coordinate is as follows, which is wrapped in a convenient apply() method of Matrix2D above: // tx = m.a * x + m.c * y + m.e // ty = m.b * x + m.d * y + m.f export function getGlobalMatrix(element, inverse, adjustGOffset, includeScrollInFixed) { // adjustGOffset is typically used only when grabbing an element's PARENT's global matrix, and it ignores the x/y offset of any SVG elements because they behave in a special way. if (!element || !element.parentNode || (_doc || _setDoc(element)).documentElement === element) { return new Matrix2D(); } let zeroScales = _forceNonZeroScale(element), svg = _svgOwner(element), temps = svg ? _svgTemps : _divTemps, container = _placeSiblings(element, adjustGOffset), b1 = temps[0].getBoundingClientRect(), b2 = temps[1].getBoundingClientRect(), b3 = temps[2].getBoundingClientRect(), parent = container.parentNode, isFixed = !includeScrollInFixed && _isFixed(element), m = new Matrix2D( (b2.left - b1.left) / 100, (b2.top - b1.top) / 100, (b3.left - b1.left) / 100, (b3.top - b1.top) / 100, b1.left + (isFixed ? 0 : _getDocScrollLeft()), b1.top + (isFixed ? 0 : _getDocScrollTop()) ); parent.removeChild(container); if (zeroScales) { b1 = zeroScales.length; while (b1--) { b2 = zeroScales[b1]; b2.scaleX = b2.scaleY = 0; b2.renderTransform(1, b2); } } return inverse ? m.inverse() : m; } export { _getDocScrollTop, _getDocScrollLeft, _setDoc, _isFixed, _getCTM }; // export function getMatrix(element) { // _doc || _setDoc(element); // let m = (_win.getComputedStyle(element)[_transformProp] + "").substr(7).match(/[-.]*\d+[.e\-+]*\d*[e\-\+]*\d*/g), // is2D = m && m.length === 6; // return !m || m.length < 6 ? new Matrix2D() : new Matrix2D(+m[0], +m[1], +m[is2D ? 2 : 4], +m[is2D ? 3 : 5], +m[is2D ? 4 : 12], +m[is2D ? 5 : 13]); // }