import { classMixin, mergeData, findNextGreater, findNextLesser, isEven, findArrayNumberByUniqueID, trace } from "../core/Util" import Events from "../core/Events" import { DOMMixins } from "../dom/DOMMixins" import { DOMEvent } from "../dom/DOMEvent" import * as DOM from "../dom/DOM" import { easeInOutQuint } from "../animation/Ease"; import { TimeScale } from "./TimeScale" import { TimeGroup } from "./TimeGroup" import { TimeEra } from "./TimeEra" import { TimeAxis } from "./TimeAxis" import { TimeMarker } from "./TimeMarker" import Swipable from "../ui/Swipable" import { Animate } from "../animation/Animate" import { I18NMixins } from "../language/I18NMixins" export class TimeNav { constructor(elem, timeline_config, options, language) { this.language = language // DOM ELEMENTS this._el = { parent: {}, container: {}, slider: {}, slider_background: {}, line: {}, marker_container_mask: {}, marker_container: {}, marker_item_container: {}, timeaxis: {}, timeaxis_background: {} }; this.collapsed = false; if (typeof elem === 'object') { this._el.container = elem; } else { this._el.container = DOM.get(elem); } this._el.container.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); // 'application' role supports predictable control of keyboard input in a complex component this._el.container.setAttribute('role', 'application'); this._el.container.setAttribute('aria-label', this._('aria_label_timeline_navigation')); this._el.container.setAttribute('aria-description', 'Navigate between markers with arrow keys. Press "Home" for the first and "End" for the last markers' ); this.config = timeline_config; //Options this.options = { width: 600, height: 600, duration: 1000, ease: easeInOutQuint, has_groups: false, optimal_tick_width: 50, scale_factor: 2, // How many screen widths wide should the timeline be marker_padding: 5, timenav_height_min: 150, // Minimum timenav height marker_height_min: 30, // Minimum Marker Height marker_width_min: 100, // Minimum Marker Width zoom_sequence: [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] // Array of Fibonacci numbers for TimeNav zoom levels }; // Animation this.animator = null; // Ready state this.ready = false; // Markers Array this._markers = []; // Eras Array this._eras = []; this.has_eras = false; /** * @type TimeGroup */ this._groups = []; // Row Height this._calculated_row_height = 100; // Current Marker this.current_id = ""; // Current Focused Marker this.current_focused_id = ""; // TimeScale this.timescale = {}; // TimeAxis this.timeaxis = {}; // Max Rows this.max_rows = 6; // Animate CSS this.animate_css = false; // Swipe Object this._swipable; // Merge Data and Options mergeData(this.options, options); } init() { this._initLayout(); this._initEvents(); this._initData(); this.updateDisplay(); this._onLoaded(); } /* Public ================================================== */ positionMarkers(fast) { // POSITION X for (var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { var pos = this.timescale.getPositionInfo(i); if (fast) { this._markers[i].setClass("tl-timemarker tl-timemarker-fast"); } else { this._markers[i].setClass("tl-timemarker"); } this._markers[i].setPosition({ left: pos.start }); this._markers[i].setWidth(pos.width); }; } /* Update Display ================================================== */ updateDisplay(width, height, animate) { let reposition_markers = false; if (width) { if (this.options.width == 0 && width > 0) { reposition_markers = true; } this.options.width = width; } if (height && height != this.options.height) { this.options.height = height; this.timescale = this._getTimeScale(); } // Size Markers this._assignRowsToMarkers(); // Size swipable area = this.timescale.getPixelWidth() + this.options.width + "px"; = -(this.options.width / 2) + "px"; = this.timescale.getPixelWidth() + this.options.width + "px"; // Update Swipable constraint this._swipable.updateConstraint({ top: false, bottom: false, left: (this.options.width / 2), right: -(this.timescale.getPixelWidth() - (this.options.width / 2)) }); if (reposition_markers) { this._drawTimeline() } // Go to the current slide this.goToId(this.current_id, true); } /* TimeScale ================================================== */ _getTimeScale() { /* maybe the establishing config values (marker_height_min and max_rows) should be separated from making a TimeScale object, which happens in another spot in this file with duplicate mapping of properties of this TimeNav into the TimeScale options object? */ // Set Max Rows var marker_height_min = 0; try { marker_height_min = parseInt(this.options.marker_height_min); } catch (e) { trace("Invalid value for marker_height_min option."); marker_height_min = 30; } if (marker_height_min == 0) { trace("marker_height_min option must not be zero.") marker_height_min = 30; } this.max_rows = Math.round((this.options.height - this._el.timeaxis_background.offsetHeight - (this.options.marker_padding)) / marker_height_min); if (this.max_rows < 1) { this.max_rows = 1; } return new TimeScale(this.config, { display_width: this._el.container.offsetWidth, screen_multiplier: this.options.scale_factor, max_rows: this.max_rows }); } _updateTimeScale(new_scale) { this.options.scale_factor = new_scale; this._updateDrawTimeline(); } zoomIn() { // move the the next "higher" scale factor var new_scale = findNextGreater(this.options.zoom_sequence, this.options.scale_factor); this.setZoomFactor(new_scale); } zoomOut() { // move the the next "lower" scale factor var new_scale = findNextLesser(this.options.zoom_sequence, this.options.scale_factor); this.setZoomFactor(new_scale); } setZoom(level) { var zoom_factor = this.options.zoom_sequence[level]; if (typeof(zoom_factor) == 'number') { this.setZoomFactor(zoom_factor); } else { console.warn("Invalid zoom level. Please use an index number between 0 and " + (this.options.zoom_sequence.length - 1)); } } setZoomFactor(factor) { if (factor <= this.options.zoom_sequence[0]) {"zoomtoggle", { zoom: "out", show: false }); } else {"zoomtoggle", { zoom: "out", show: true }); } if (factor >= this.options.zoom_sequence[this.options.zoom_sequence.length - 1]) {"zoomtoggle", { zoom: "in", show: false }); } else {"zoomtoggle", { zoom: "in", show: true }); } if (factor == 0) { console.warn("Zoom factor must be greater than zero. Using 0.1"); factor = 0.1; } this.options.scale_factor = factor; //this._updateDrawTimeline(true); this.goToId(this.current_id, !this._updateDrawTimeline(true), true); } /* Groups ================================================== */ _createGroups() { this._groups = []; var group_labels = this.timescale.getGroupLabels(); if (group_labels) { this.options.has_groups = true; for (var i = 0; i < group_labels.length; i++) { this._createGroup(group_labels[i]); } } } _createGroup(group_label) { var group = new TimeGroup(group_label); this._addGroup(group); this._groups.push(group); } _addGroup(group) { group.addTo(this._el.container); } _positionGroups() { if (this.options.has_groups) { var available_height = (this.options.height - this._el.timeaxis_background.offsetHeight), group_height = Math.floor((available_height / this.timescale.getNumberOfRows()) - this.options.marker_padding), group_labels = this.timescale.getGroupLabels(); for (var i = 0, group_rows = 0; i < this._groups.length; i++) { var group_y = Math.floor(group_rows * (group_height + this.options.marker_padding)); var group_hide = false; if (group_y > (available_height - this.options.marker_padding)) { group_hide = true; } this._groups[i].setRowPosition(group_y, this._calculated_row_height + this.options.marker_padding / 2); this._groups[i].setAlternateRowColor(isEven(i), group_hide); group_rows += this._groups[i].data.rows; // account for groups spanning multiple rows } } } /* Markers ================================================== */ _addMarker(marker) { marker.addTo(this._el.marker_item_container); marker.on('markerclick', this._onMarkerClick, this); marker.on('added', this._onMarkerAdded, this); } _createMarker(data, n) { var marker = new TimeMarker(data, this.options); this._addMarker(marker); if (n < 0) { this._markers.push(marker); } else { this._markers.splice(n, 0, marker); } } _createMarkers(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { this._createMarker(array[i], -1); } } _removeMarker(marker) { marker.removeFrom(this._el.marker_item_container); //'added', this._onMarkerRemoved, this); } _destroyMarker(n) { this._removeMarker(this._markers[n]); this._markers.splice(n, 1); } _calculateMarkerHeight(h) { return ((h / this.timescale.getNumberOfRows()) - this.options.marker_padding); } _calculateRowHeight(h) { return (h / this.timescale.getNumberOfRows()); } _calculateAvailableHeight() { return (this.options.height - this._el.timeaxis_background.offsetHeight - (this.options.marker_padding)); } _calculateMinimumTimeNavHeight() { return (this.timescale.getNumberOfRows() * this.options.marker_height_min) + this._el.timeaxis_background.offsetHeight + (this.options.marker_padding); } getMinimumHeight() { return this._calculateMinimumTimeNavHeight(); } _assignRowsToMarkers() { var available_height = this._calculateAvailableHeight(), marker_height = this._calculateMarkerHeight(available_height); this._positionGroups(); this._calculated_row_height = this._calculateRowHeight(available_height); for (var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { // Set Height this._markers[i].setHeight(marker_height); //Position by Row var row = this.timescale.getPositionInfo(i).row; var marker_y = Math.floor(row * (marker_height + this.options.marker_padding)) + this.options.marker_padding; var remainder_height = available_height - marker_y + this.options.marker_padding; this._markers[i].setRowPosition(marker_y, remainder_height); }; } _resetMarkersActive() { for (var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { this._markers[i].setActive(false); } } _resetMarkersBlurListeners() { for (var i = 0; i < this._markers.length; i++) { this._markers[i].off('markerblur', this._onMarkerBlur, this); } } _findMarkerIndex(n) { var _n = -1; if (typeof n == 'string' || n instanceof String) { _n = findArrayNumberByUniqueID(n, this._markers, "unique_id", _n); } return _n; } /* ERAS ================================================== */ _createEras(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var data = array[i]; var era = new TimeEra(data.start_date, data.end_date, data.headline, this.options); this._eras.push(era); era.addTo(this._el.marker_item_container); era.on('added', this._onEraAdded, this); } } _positionEras(fast) { var era_color = 0; // POSITION X for (var i = 0; i < this._eras.length; i++) { var pos = { start: 0, end: 0, width: 0 }; pos.start = this.timescale.getPosition(this._eras[i].start_date.getTime()); pos.end = this.timescale.getPosition(this._eras[i].end_date.getTime()); pos.width = pos.end - pos.start; if (fast) { this._eras[i].setClass("tl-timeera tl-timeera-fast"); } else { this._eras[i].setClass("tl-timeera"); } this._eras[i].setPosition({ left: pos.start }); this._eras[i].setWidth(pos.width); era_color++; if (era_color > 5) { era_color = 0; } this._eras[i].setColor(era_color); }; } /* Public ================================================== */ // Create a marker createMarker(d, n) { this._createMarker(d, n); } // Create many markers from an array createMarkers(array) { this._createMarkers(array); } // Destroy marker by index destroyMarker(n) { this._destroyMarker(n); } // Destroy marker by id destroyMarkerId(id) { this.destroyMarker(this._findMarkerIndex(id)); } /* Navigation ================================================== */ goTo(n, fast, css_animation) { var self = this, _ease = this.options.ease, _duration = this.options.duration, _n = (n < 0) ? 0 : n; // Set Marker active state this._resetMarkersActive(); if (n >= 0 && n < this._markers.length) { this._markers[n].setActive(true); } this.animateMovement(_n, fast, css_animation, _duration, _ease); if (n >= 0 && n < this._markers.length) { this.current_id = this.current_focused_id = this._markers[n].data.unique_id; } else { this.current_id = this.current_focused_id = ''; } this._setLabelWithCurrentMarker(); } goToId(id, fast, css_animation) { this.goTo(this._findMarkerIndex(id), fast, css_animation); } focusOn(n, fast, css_animation) { const _ease = this.options.ease, _duration = this.options.duration, _n = (n < 0) ? 0 : n; this.animateMovement(_n, fast, css_animation, _duration, _ease); this._resetMarkersBlurListeners(); if (n >= 0 && n < this._markers.length) { this._markers[n].setFocus(); this.current_focused_id = this._markers[n].data.unique_id; this._markers[n].on('markerblur', this._onMarkerBlur, this); } } focusNext() { const n = this._findMarkerIndex(this.current_focused_id); if ((n + 1) < this._markers.length) { this.focusOn(n + 1); } else { this.focusOn(n); } } focusPrevious() { const n = this._findMarkerIndex(this.current_focused_id); if (n - 1 >= 0) { this.focusOn(n - 1); } else { this.focusOn(n); } } animateMovement(n, fast, css_animation, duration, ease) { // Stop animation if (this.animator) { this.animator.stop(); } if (fast) { this._el.slider.className = "tl-timenav-slider"; = -this._markers[n].getLeft() + (this.options.width / 2) + "px"; } else { if (css_animation) { this._el.slider.className = "tl-timenav-slider tl-timenav-slider-animate"; this.animate_css = true; = -this._markers[n].getLeft() + (this.options.width / 2) + "px"; } else { this._el.slider.className = "tl-timenav-slider"; this.animator = Animate(this._el.slider, { left: -this._markers[n].getLeft() + (this.options.width / 2) + "px", duration: duration, easing: ease }); } } if (n >= 0 && n < this._markers.length) { this.current_id = this._markers[n].data.unique_id; } else { this.current_id = ''; } this._dispatchVisibleTicksChange(); } goToId(id, fast, css_animation) { this.goTo(this._findMarkerIndex(id), fast, css_animation); } _dispatchVisibleTicksChange() { /** * The timeout is required to wait till the end of the animation * and repositioning of the ticks on the screen */ if (this.ticks_change_timeout) { clearTimeout(this.ticks_change_timeout); this.ticks_change_timeout = null; } this.ticks_change_timeout = setTimeout(() => { const visible_ticks = this.timeaxis.getVisibleTicks();"visible_ticks_change", { visible_ticks }); }, this.options.duration); } /* Events ================================================== */ _onLoaded() { this.ready = true;"loaded", this.config); } _onMarkerAdded(e) {"dateAdded", this.config); } _onEraAdded(e) {"eraAdded", this.config); } _onMarkerRemoved(e) {"dateRemoved", this.config); } _onMarkerClick(e) { // Go to the clicked marker this.goToId(e.unique_id);"change", { unique_id: e.unique_id }); } _onMarkerBlur(e) { // Reset the focused marked to the active marker after it lost the focus if (this.current_focused_id === this.current_id) return; this.focusOn(this._findMarkerIndex(this.current_id)); } _onMouseScroll(e) { var delta = 0, scroll_to = 0, constraint = { right: -(this.timescale.getPixelWidth() - (this.options.width / 2)), left: this.options.width / 2 }; if (!e) { e = window.event; } if (e.originalEvent) { e = e.originalEvent; } // Webkit and browsers able to differntiate between up/down and left/right scrolling if (typeof e.wheelDeltaX != 'undefined') { delta = e.wheelDeltaY / 6; if (Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaX) > Math.abs(e.wheelDeltaY)) { delta = e.wheelDeltaX / 6; } else { //delta = e.wheelDeltaY/6; delta = 0; } } if (delta) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } e.returnValue = false; } // Stop from scrolling too far scroll_to = parseInt("px", "")) + delta; if (scroll_to > constraint.left) { scroll_to = constraint.left; } else if (scroll_to < constraint.right) { scroll_to = constraint.right; } if (this.animate_css) { this._el.slider.className = "tl-timenav-slider"; this.animate_css = false; } = scroll_to + "px"; } _onDragMove(e) { if (this.animate_css) { this._el.slider.className = "tl-timenav-slider"; this.animate_css = false; } } _onKeydown(e) { DOMEvent.stopPropagation(e); switch (e.key) { case "ArrowUp": case "ArrowRight": { this.focusNext(); break; } case "ArrowDown": case "ArrowLeft": { this.focusPrevious(); break; } case "Home": { this.focusOn(0); break; } case "End": { this.focusOn(this._markers.length - 1); break; } } } /* Private Methods ================================================== */ _drawTimeline(fast) { this.timescale = this._getTimeScale(); this.timeaxis.drawTicks(this.timescale, this.options.optimal_tick_width); this.positionMarkers(fast); this._assignRowsToMarkers(); this._createGroups(); this._positionGroups(); if (this.has_eras) { this._positionEras(fast); } } _updateDrawTimeline(check_update) { var do_update = false; // Check to see if redraw is needed if (check_update) { /* keep this aligned with _getTimeScale or reduce code duplication */ var temp_timescale = new TimeScale(this.config, { display_width: this._el.container.offsetWidth, screen_multiplier: this.options.scale_factor, max_rows: this.max_rows }); if (this.timescale.getMajorScale() == temp_timescale.getMajorScale() && this.timescale.getMinorScale() == temp_timescale.getMinorScale()) { do_update = true; } } else { do_update = true; } // Perform update or redraw if (do_update) { this.timescale = this._getTimeScale(); this.timeaxis.positionTicks(this.timescale, this.options.optimal_tick_width); this.positionMarkers(); this._assignRowsToMarkers(); this._positionGroups(); if (this.has_eras) { this._positionEras(); } this.updateDisplay(); } else { this._drawTimeline(true); } return do_update; } _setLabelWithCurrentMarker() { const currentMarker = this._markers[this._findMarkerIndex(this.current_focused_id)]; const currentMarkerText = currentMarker && currentMarker.ariaLabel ? `, ${currentMarker.ariaLabel}, shown` : ''; this._el.container.setAttribute('aria-label', `Timeline navigation ${currentMarkerText}`); } /* Init ================================================== */ _initLayout() { // Create Layout this._el.line = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-line', this._el.container); this._el.slider = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-slider', this._el.container); this._el.slider_background = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-slider-background', this._el.slider); this._el.marker_container_mask = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-container-mask', this._el.slider); this._el.marker_container = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-container', this._el.marker_container_mask); this._el.marker_item_container = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timenav-item-container', this._el.marker_container); this._el.timeaxis = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timeaxis', this._el.slider); this._el.timeaxis_background = DOM.create('div', 'tl-timeaxis-background', this._el.container); // Time Axis this.timeaxis = new TimeAxis(this._el.timeaxis, this.options, this.language); // Swipable this._swipable = new Swipable(this._el.slider_background, this._el.slider, { enable: { x: true, y: false }, constraint: { top: false, bottom: false, left: (this.options.width / 2), right: false }, snap: false }); this._swipable.enable(); } _initEvents() { // Drag Events this._swipable.on('dragmove', this._onDragMove, this); // Scroll Events DOMEvent.addListener(this._el.container, 'mousewheel', this._onMouseScroll, this); DOMEvent.addListener(this._el.container, 'DOMMouseScroll', this._onMouseScroll, this); DOMEvent.addListener(this._el.container, 'keydown', this._onKeydown, this); } _initData() { // Create Markers and then add them this._createMarkers(; if (this.config.eras && this.config.eras.length > 0) { this.has_eras = true; this._createEras(this.config.eras); } this._drawTimeline(); } } classMixin(TimeNav, Events, DOMMixins, I18NMixins)