import { DebugLogger } from '@affine/debug'; import type { InteropObservable, Observer, OperatorFunction, Subscription, TeardownLogic, ThrottleConfig, } from 'rxjs'; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, distinctUntilChanged, EMPTY, map, mergeMap, Observable, of, scan, skip, Subject, switchMap, throttleTime, } from 'rxjs'; const logger = new DebugLogger('livedata'); /** * LiveData is a reactive data type. * * ## basic usage * * @example * ```ts * const livedata = new LiveData(0); // create livedata with initial value * *; // update value * * console.log(livedata.value); // get current value * * livedata.subscribe(v => { // subscribe to value changes * console.log(v); // 1 * }); * ``` * * ## observable * * LiveData is a rxjs observable, you can use rxjs operators. * * @example * ```ts * new LiveData(0).pipe( * map(v => v + 1), * filter(v => v > 1), * ... * ) * ``` * * NOTICE: different from normal observable, LiveData will always emit the latest value when you subscribe to it. * * ## from observable * * LiveData can be created from observable or from other livedata. * * @example * ```ts * const A = LiveData.from( * of(1, 2, 3, 4), // from observable * 0 // initial value * ); * * const B = LiveData.from( * A.pipe(map(v => 'from a ' + v)), // from other livedata * '' // initial value * ); * ``` * * ## Why is it called LiveData * * This API is very similar to LiveData in Android, as both are based on Observable, so I named it LiveData. * * @see {@link} * @see {@link} */ export class LiveData extends Observable implements InteropObservable { static from( upstream$: | Observable | InteropObservable | ((stream: Observable) => Observable), initialValue: T ): LiveData { const data$ = new LiveData( initialValue, typeof upstream$ === 'function' ? upstream$ : stream$ => stream$.pipe( mergeMap(v => { if (v === 'set') { return EMPTY; } else if (v === 'get') { return of('watch' as const, 'unwatch' as const); } else { return of(v); } }), scan((acc, op) => { if (op === 'watch') { return acc + 1; } else if (op === 'unwatch') { return acc - 1; } else { return acc; } }, 0), map(count => { if (count > 0) { return 'watch'; } else { return 'unwatch'; } }), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap(op => { if (op === 'watch') { return upstream$; } else { return EMPTY; } }) ) ); return data$; } private static GLOBAL_COMPUTED_RECURSIVE_COUNT = 0; /** * @example * ```ts * const a = new LiveData('v1'); * const v1 = new LiveData(100); * const v2 = new LiveData(200); * * const v = LiveData.computed(get => { * return get(a) === 'v1' ? get(v1) : get(v2); * }); * * expect(v.value).toBe(100); * ``` */ static computed( compute: (get: (data: LiveData) => L) => T ): LiveData { return LiveData.from( new Observable(subscribe => { const execute = (next: () => void) => { const subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; const getfn = (data$: LiveData) => { let value = null as L; let first = true; subscriptions.push( data$.subscribe({ error(err) { subscribe.error(err); }, next(v) { value = v; if (!first) { next(); } first = false; }, }) ); return value; }; LiveData.GLOBAL_COMPUTED_RECURSIVE_COUNT++; try { if (LiveData.GLOBAL_COMPUTED_RECURSIVE_COUNT > 10) { subscribe.error(new Error('computed recursive limit exceeded')); } else {; } } catch (err) { subscribe.error(err); } finally { LiveData.GLOBAL_COMPUTED_RECURSIVE_COUNT--; } return () => { subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe()); }; }; let prev = () => {}; const looper = () => { const dispose = execute(looper); prev(); prev = dispose; }; looper(); return () => { prev(); }; }), null as any ); } private readonly raw$: BehaviorSubject; private readonly ops$ = new Subject(); private readonly upstreamSubscription: Subscription | undefined; /** * When the upstream Observable of livedata throws an error, livedata will enter poisoned state. This is an * unrecoverable abnormal state. Any operation on livedata will throw a PoisonedError. * * Since the development specification for livedata is not to throw any error, entering the poisoned state usually * means a programming error. */ private isPoisoned = false; private poisonedError: PoisonedError | null = null; constructor( initialValue: T, upstream: | ((upstream: Observable) => Observable) | undefined = undefined ) { super(); this.raw$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialValue); if (upstream) { this.upstreamSubscription = upstream(this.ops$).subscribe({ next: v => { this.raw$.next(v); }, complete: () => { if (!this.raw$.closed) { logger.error('livedata upstream unexpected complete'); } }, error: err => { logger.error('uncatched error in livedata', err); this.isPoisoned = true; this.poisonedError = new PoisonedError(err); this.raw$.error(this.poisonedError); }, }); } } getValue = (): T => { if (this.isPoisoned) { throw this.poisonedError; } this.ops$.next('get'); return this.raw$.value; }; setValue = (v: T) => { if (this.isPoisoned) { throw this.poisonedError; } this.raw$.next(v); this.ops$.next('set'); }; get value(): T { return this.getValue(); } set value(v: T) {; } next = (v: T) => { if (this.isPoisoned) { throw this.poisonedError; } return this.setValue(v); }; override subscribe( observerOrNext?: Partial> | ((value: T) => void) ): Subscription; override subscribe( next?: ((value: T) => void) | null, error?: ((error: any) => void) | null, complete?: (() => void) | null ): Subscription; override subscribe( observerOrNext?: Partial> | ((value: T) => void) | null, error?: ((error: any) => void) | null, complete?: (() => void) | null ): Subscription { this.ops$.next('watch'); const subscription = this.raw$.subscribe( observerOrNext as any, error, complete ); subscription.add(() => { this.ops$.next('unwatch'); }); return subscription; } map(mapper: (v: T) => R): LiveData { const sub$ = LiveData.from( new Observable(subscriber => this.subscribe({ next: v => {; }, complete: () => { sub$.complete(); }, }) ), undefined as R // is safe ); return sub$; } distinctUntilChanged(comparator?: (previous: T, current: T) => boolean) { return LiveData.from( this.pipe(distinctUntilChanged(comparator)), null as T ); } throttleTime( duration: number, { trailing = true, leading = true }: ThrottleConfig = {} ) { return LiveData.from( this.pipe(throttleTime(duration, undefined, { trailing, leading })), null as any ); } // eslint-disable-next-line rxjs/finnish asObservable(): Observable { return new Observable(subscriber => { return this.subscribe(subscriber); }); } override pipe(): Observable; override pipe(op1: OperatorFunction): Observable; override pipe( op1: OperatorFunction, op2: OperatorFunction ): Observable; override pipe( op1: OperatorFunction, op2: OperatorFunction, op3: OperatorFunction ): Observable; override pipe( op1: OperatorFunction, op2: OperatorFunction, op3: OperatorFunction, op4: OperatorFunction ): Observable; override pipe( op1: OperatorFunction, op2: OperatorFunction, op3: OperatorFunction, op4: OperatorFunction, op5: OperatorFunction ): Observable; override pipe( op1: OperatorFunction, op2: OperatorFunction, op3: OperatorFunction, op4: OperatorFunction, op5: OperatorFunction, op6: OperatorFunction ): Observable; override pipe(...args: any[]) { return new Observable(subscriber => { this.ops$.next('watch'); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread const subscription = this.raw$.pipe .apply(this.raw$, args as any) .subscribe(subscriber); subscription.add(() => { this.ops$.next('unwatch'); }); return subscription; }); } complete() { this.ops$.complete(); this.raw$.complete(); this.upstreamSubscription?.unsubscribe(); } /** * flatten the livedata * * ``` * new LiveData(new LiveData(0)).flat() // LiveData * ``` * * ``` * new LiveData([new LiveData(0)]).flat() // LiveData * ``` */ flat(): Flat { return LiveData.from( this.pipe( switchMap(v => { if (v instanceof LiveData) { return (v as LiveData).flat(); } else if (Array.isArray(v)) { if (v.length === 0) { return of([]); } return combineLatest( => { if (v instanceof LiveData) { return v.flat(); } else { return of(v); } }) ); } else { return of(v); } }) ), null as any ) as any; } static flat(v: T): Flat> { return new LiveData(v).flat(); } waitFor(predicate: (v: T) => unknown, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const subscription = this.subscribe(v => { if (predicate(v)) { resolve(v as any); setImmediate(() => { subscription.unsubscribe(); }); } }); signal?.addEventListener('abort', reason => { subscription.unsubscribe(); reject(reason); }); }); } waitForNonNull(signal?: AbortSignal) { return this.waitFor(v => v !== null && v !== undefined, signal) as Promise< NonNullable >; } reactSubscribe = (cb: () => void) => { if (this.isPoisoned) { throw this.poisonedError; } this.ops$.next('watch'); const subscription = this.raw$ .pipe(distinctUntilChanged(), skip(1)) .subscribe(cb); subscription.add(() => { this.ops$.next('unwatch'); }); return () => subscription.unsubscribe(); }; reactGetSnapshot = () => { if (this.isPoisoned) { throw this.poisonedError; } this.ops$.next('watch'); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises -- never throw Promise.resolve().then(() => { this.ops$.next('unwatch'); }); return this.raw$.value; }; protected _subscribe(): TeardownLogic { throw new Error('Method not implemented.'); } [Symbol.observable || '@@observable']() { return this; } [Symbol.observable]() { return this; } } export type LiveDataOperation = 'set' | 'get' | 'watch' | 'unwatch'; export type Unwrap = T extends LiveData ? Unwrap : T extends LiveData[] ? Unwrap[] : T; export type Flat = T extends LiveData ? LiveData> : T; export class PoisonedError extends Error { constructor(originalError: any) { super( 'The livedata is poisoned, original error: ' + (originalError instanceof Error ? originalError.stack : originalError) ); } }