import { catchError, connect, distinctUntilChanged, EMPTY, exhaustMap, merge, mergeMap, Observable, type ObservableInput, type ObservedValueOf, of, type OperatorFunction, pipe, retry, switchMap, throwError, timer, } from 'rxjs'; import { MANUALLY_STOP } from '../utils'; import type { LiveData } from './livedata'; /** * An operator that maps the value to the `LiveData`. */ export function mapInto(l$: LiveData) { return pipe( mergeMap((value: T) => { l$.next(value); return EMPTY; }) ); } /** * An operator that catches the error and sends it to the `LiveData`. * * The `LiveData` will be set to `null` when the observable completes. This is useful for error state recovery. * * @param cb A callback that will be called when an error occurs. */ export function catchErrorInto( l$: LiveData, cb?: (error: Error) => void ) { return pipe( onComplete(() => l$.next(null)), catchError((error: any) => { l$.next(error); cb?.(error); return EMPTY; }) ); } /** * An operator that calls the callback when the observable starts. */ export function onStart(cb: () => void): OperatorFunction { return observable$ => new Observable(subscribe => { cb(); return observable$.subscribe(subscribe); }); } /** * An operator that calls the callback when the observable completes. */ export function onComplete(cb: () => void): OperatorFunction { return observable$ => new Observable(subscribe => { return observable$.subscribe({ complete() { cb(); subscribe.complete(); }, error(err) { subscribe.error(err); }, next(value) {; }, }); }); } /** * Convert a promise to an observable. * * like `from` but support `AbortSignal`. */ export function fromPromise( promise: Promise | ((signal: AbortSignal) => Promise) ): Observable { return new Observable(subscriber => { const abortController = new AbortController(); const rawPromise = promise instanceof Function ? promise(abortController.signal) : promise; rawPromise .then(value => {; subscriber.complete(); }) .catch(error => { subscriber.error(error); }); return () => abortController.abort(MANUALLY_STOP); }); } /** * An operator that retries the source observable when an error occurs. * * */ export function backoffRetry({ when, count = 3, delay = 200, maxDelay = 15000, }: { when?: (err: any) => boolean; count?: number; delay?: number; maxDelay?: number; } = {}) { return (obs$: Observable) => obs$.pipe( retry({ count, delay: (err, retryIndex) => { if (when && !when(err)) { return throwError(() => err); } const d = Math.pow(2, retryIndex - 1) * delay; return timer(Math.min(d, maxDelay)); }, }) ); } /** * An operator that combines `exhaustMap` and `switchMap`. * * This operator executes the `comparator` on each input, acting as an `exhaustMap` when the `comparator` returns `true` * and acting as a `switchMap` when the comparator returns `false`. * * It is more useful for async processes that are relatively stable in results but sensitive to input. * For example, when requesting the user's subscription status, `exhaustMap` is used because the user's subscription * does not change often, but when switching users, the request should be made immediately like `switchMap`. * * @param onSwitch callback will be executed when `switchMap` occurs (including the first execution). */ export function exhaustMapSwitchUntilChanged>( comparator: (previous: T, current: T) => boolean, project: (value: T, index: number) => O, onSwitch?: (value: T) => void ): OperatorFunction> { return pipe( connect(shared$ => shared$.pipe( distinctUntilChanged(comparator), switchMap(value => { onSwitch?.(value); return merge(of(value), shared$).pipe( exhaustMap((value, index) => { return project(value, index); }) ); }) ) ) ); }