import { ipcMain } from 'electron'; import { AFFINE_API_CHANNEL_NAME } from '../shared/type'; import { clipboardHandlers } from './clipboard'; import { configStorageHandlers } from './config-storage'; import { exportHandlers } from './export'; import { findInPageHandlers } from './find-in-page'; import { getLogFilePath, logger, revealLogFile } from './logger'; import { sharedStorageHandlers } from './shared-storage'; import { uiHandlers } from './ui/handlers'; import { updaterHandlers } from './updater'; export const debugHandlers = { revealLogFile: async () => { return revealLogFile(); }, logFilePath: async () => { return getLogFilePath(); }, }; // Note: all of these handlers will be the single-source-of-truth for the apis exposed to the renderer process export const allHandlers = { debug: debugHandlers, ui: uiHandlers, clipboard: clipboardHandlers, export: exportHandlers, updater: updaterHandlers, configStorage: configStorageHandlers, findInPage: findInPageHandlers, sharedStorage: sharedStorageHandlers, }; export const registerHandlers = () => { const handleIpcMessage = async ( e: Electron.IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[] ) => { // args[0] is the `{namespace:key}` if (typeof args[0] !== 'string') { logger.error('invalid ipc message', args); return; } const channel = args[0] as string; const [namespace, key] = channel.split(':'); if (!namespace || !key) { logger.error('invalid ipc message', args); return; } // @ts-expect-error - ignore here const handler = allHandlers[namespace]?.[key]; if (!handler) { logger.error('handler not found for ', args[0]); return; } const start =; const realArgs = args.slice(1); const result = await handler(e, ...realArgs); logger.debug( '[ipc-api]', channel, realArgs.filter( arg => typeof arg !== 'function' && typeof arg !== 'object' ), '-', - start, 'ms' ); return result; }; ipcMain.handle(AFFINE_API_CHANNEL_NAME, async (e, ...args: any[]) => { return handleIpcMessage(e, ...args); }); ipcMain.on(AFFINE_API_CHANNEL_NAME, (e, ...args: any[]) => { handleIpcMessage(e, ...args) .then(ret => { e.returnValue = ret; }) .catch(() => { // never throw }); }); };