import { join } from 'node:path'; import { net, protocol, session } from 'electron'; import { CLOUD_BASE_URL } from './config'; import { logger } from './logger'; import { getCookie } from './windows-manager'; protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged([ { scheme: 'assets', privileges: { secure: false, corsEnabled: true, supportFetchAPI: true, standard: true, bypassCSP: true, }, }, ]); protocol.registerSchemesAsPrivileged([ { scheme: 'file', privileges: { secure: false, corsEnabled: true, supportFetchAPI: true, standard: true, bypassCSP: true, stream: true, }, }, ]); const NETWORK_REQUESTS = ['/api', '/ws', '/', '/graphql']; const webStaticDir = join(__dirname, '../resources/web-static'); function isNetworkResource(pathname: string) { return NETWORK_REQUESTS.some(opt => pathname.startsWith(opt)); } async function handleFileRequest(request: Request) { const clonedRequest = Object.assign(request.clone(), { bypassCustomProtocolHandlers: true, }); const urlObject = new URL(request.url); if (isNetworkResource(urlObject.pathname)) { // just pass through (proxy) return net.fetch( CLOUD_BASE_URL + urlObject.pathname +, clonedRequest ); } else { // this will be file types (in the web-static folder) let filepath = ''; // if is a file type, load the file in resources if (urlObject.pathname.split('/').at(-1)?.includes('.')) { filepath = join(webStaticDir, decodeURIComponent(urlObject.pathname)); } else { // else, fallback to load the index.html instead filepath = join(webStaticDir, 'index.html'); } return net.fetch('file://' + filepath, clonedRequest); } } export function registerProtocol() { protocol.handle('file', request => { return handleFileRequest(request); }); protocol.handle('assets', request => { return handleFileRequest(request); }); // hack for CORS // todo: should use a whitelist session.defaultSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived( (responseDetails, callback) => { const { responseHeaders } = responseDetails; if (responseHeaders) { // replace SameSite=Lax with SameSite=None const originalCookie = responseHeaders['set-cookie'] || responseHeaders['Set-Cookie']; if (originalCookie) { delete responseHeaders['set-cookie']; delete responseHeaders['Set-Cookie']; responseHeaders['Set-Cookie'] = => { let newCookie = cookie.replace(/SameSite=Lax/gi, 'SameSite=None'); // if the cookie is not secure, set it to secure if (!newCookie.includes('Secure')) { newCookie = newCookie + '; Secure'; } return newCookie; }); } } callback({ responseHeaders }); } ); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders((details, callback) => { (async () => { const url = new URL(details.url); const pathname = url.pathname; // if sending request to the cloud, attach the session cookie if (isNetworkResource(pathname)) { const cookie = await getCookie(CLOUD_BASE_URL); if (cookie) { const cookieString = cookie .map(c => `${}=${c.value}`) .join('; '); details.requestHeaders['cookie'] = cookieString; } // add the referer and origin headers details.requestHeaders['referer'] ??= CLOUD_BASE_URL; details.requestHeaders['origin'] ??= CLOUD_BASE_URL; } callback({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders, }); })().catch(e => { logger.error('failed to attach cookie', e); callback({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders, }); }); }); }