{ "// THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY.": "", "Add to Favorites": "Add to favorites", "Added to Favorites": "Added to favorites", "Customize": "Customize", "Enable AFFiNE Cloud Description": "If enabled, the data in this workspace will be backed up and synchronized via AFFiNE Cloud.", "Favorite": "Favorite", "Favorited": "Favorited", "Favorites": "Favorites", "Remove from favorites": "Remove from favorites", "Removed from Favorites": "Removed from favorites", "com.arms.filter.is-favourited": "Favorited", "com.arms.settings.suggestion": "Need more customization options? You can suggest them to us in the community.", "com.arms.settings.workspace.description": "You can customize your workspace here.", "emptyFavorite": "Click Add to Favorites and the page will appear here.", "Organize pages to build knowledge": "Organize docs to build knowledge" }