import type { Response } from 'undici-types'; // cSpell:ignore Tolgee import { fetchTolgee } from './request.js'; /** * Returns all project languages * * See * @example * ```ts * const languages = [ * { * id: 1000016008, * name: 'English', * tag: 'en', * originalName: 'English', * flagEmoji: '🇬🇧', * base: true * }, * { * id: 1000016013, * name: 'Spanish', * tag: 'es', * originalName: 'español', * flagEmoji: '🇪🇸', * base: false * }, * { * id: 1000016009, * name: 'Simplified Chinese', * tag: 'zh-Hans', * originalName: '简体中文', * flagEmoji: '🇨🇳', * base: false * }, * { * id: 1000016012, * name: 'Traditional Chinese', * tag: 'zh-Hant', * originalName: '繁體中文', * flagEmoji: '🇭🇰', * base: false * } * ] * ``` */ export const getAllProjectLanguages = async ( size = 1000 ): Promise< { id: number; name: string; tag: string; originalName: string; flagEmoji: string; base: boolean; }[] > => { const url = `/languages?size=${size}`; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } const json: { _embedded: { languages: { id: number; name: string; tag: string; originalName: string; flagEmoji: string; base: boolean; }[]; }; page: unknown; } = (await resp.json()) as any; return json._embedded.languages; }; /** * Returns translations in project * * See */ export const getTranslations = async (): Promise => { const url = '/translations'; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } const json = await resp.json(); return json; }; /** * Returns all translations for specified languages * * See */ export const getLanguagesTranslations = async ( languages: T ): Promise<{ [key in T]?: Record }> => { const url = `/translations/${languages}`; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } const json = await resp.json(); return json as { [key in T]?: Record }; }; export const getRemoteTranslations = async ( languages: string ): Promise> => { const translations = await getLanguagesTranslations(languages); if (!(languages in translations)) { return {}; } // The assert is safe because we checked above // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion return translations[languages]!; }; /** * Creates new key * * See */ export const createsNewKey = async ( key: string, translations: Record ): Promise => { const url = '/translations/keys/create'; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ name: key, translations }), }); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { /** * There are some problems in the i18n backend, * which is used to temporarily solve the ci error. */ console.warn(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); return; } const json = await resp.json(); return json; }; /** * Tags a key with tag. If tag with provided name doesn't exist, it is created * * See */ export const addTag = async ( keyId: string, tagName: string ): Promise => { const url = `/keys/${keyId}/tags`; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify({ name: tagName }), }); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } const json = await resp.json(); return json; }; /** * Tags a key with tag. If tag with provided name doesn't exist, it is created * * See */ export const removeTag = async ( keyId: string, tagId: number ): Promise => { const url = `/keys/${keyId}/tags/${tagId}`; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url, { method: 'DELETE', }); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } const json = await resp.json(); return json; }; // export const addTagByKey = async (key: string, tag: string) => { // // TODO get key id by key name // // const keyId = // // addTag(keyId, tag); // }; /** * Exports data * * See */ export const exportResources = async (): Promise => { const url = `/export`; const resp = await fetchTolgee(url); if (resp.status < 200 || resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error(url + ' ' + resp.status + '\n' + (await resp.text())); } return resp; };