var ResourceApi = (function () { var selectedPdserviceId; var selectedPdServiceversions = []; var fetchedResourceData = []; var fetchedAssigneeInfo; var reqAssignees = []; var notReqAssignees = []; var customAssignees = []; var horizontalBarParamMap = { "properties" : ["priority", "status", "type"], "priority" : { "subGroupField" : "priority.priority_name.keyword", "target-req": "req-priority-bar", "target-notReq": "subtask-priority-bar" }, "status": { "subGroupField" : "status.status_name.keyword", "target-req": "req-status-bar", "target-notReq": "subtask-status-bar" }, "type": { "subGroupField" : "issuetype.issuetype_name.keyword", "target-req": "req-issuetype-bar", "target-notReq": "subtask-issuetype-bar" } } var getHorizontalBarParamMap = function () { return horizontalBarParamMap; } var pushReqAssignee = function (reqAssignee) { reqAssignees.push(reqAssignee); }; var setReqAssignees = function (reqAssigneesData) { reqAssignees = reqAssigneesData}; var getReqAssignees = function () { return reqAssignees; }; var pushNotReqAssignee = function (notReqAssignee) { notReqAssignees.push(notReqAssignee); }; var setNotReqAssignees = function (notReqAssigneesData) { notReqAssignees = notReqAssigneesData; }; var getNotReqAssignees = function () { return notReqAssignees; }; var pushCustomAssignee = function (customAssignee) { customAssignees.push(customAssignee); }; var removeCustomAssignee = function (customAssignee) { if (!customAssignee || !customAssignee.uniqueId) { console.log("Invalid Assignee object"); return; } const uniqueId = customAssignee.uniqueId; const index = customAssignees.findIndex( item => item.uniqueId === uniqueId ); if (index !== -1) { customAssignees.splice(index, 1); // �대떦 �몃뜳�ㅼ뿉�� �쒓굅 console.log(`Removed Assignee with uniqueId: ${uniqueId}`); } else { console.log(`Assignee with uniqueId ${uniqueId} not found in the list`); } }; var getCustomAssignees = function () { return customAssignees; }; var getCustomAssigneesExceptUniqueId = function () { return{ uniqueId, }) => rest); }; var setPdServiceId = function (pdServiceId) { selectedPdserviceId = pdServiceId; }; var getPdServiceId = function () { return selectedPdserviceId; }; var setPdServiceVersionLinks = function (pdServiceVersionLinks) { selectedPdServiceversions = pdServiceVersionLinks; }; var getPdServiceVersions = function () { return selectedPdServiceversions; }; var fetchResourceData = function (pdservice_id, pdServiceVersionLinks) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); setPdServiceId(pdservice_id); setPdServiceVersionLinks(pdServiceVersionLinks); $.ajax({ url: "/auth-admin/api/arms/analysis/resource/issue-status-by-assignee", type: "GET", data: { "pdServiceAndIsReq.pdServiceLink" : selectedPdServiceId, "pdServiceAndIsReq.pdServiceVersionLinks" : selectedVersionId }, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", dataType: "json", progress: true, async: false, statusCode: { 200: function (data) { fetchedResourceData = data; deferred.resolve(data); }, error: function (e) { jError("Resource WorkerStatus 議고쉶�� �ㅽ뙣�덉뒿�덈떎. �섏쨷�� �ㅼ떆 �쒕룄 諛붾엻�덈떎."); } } }); return deferred.promise(); }; var getFetchedResourceData = function () { return fetchedResourceData; }; var fetchAssigneeInfoMap = function (pdservice_id, pdServiceVersionLinks) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); let $url = "/auth-admin/api/arms/analysis/resource/assigneeInfo"; $.ajax({ url: $url, type: "GET", data: { "pdServiceAndIsReq.pdServiceLink" : selectedPdServiceId, "pdServiceAndIsReq.pdServiceVersionLinks" : selectedVersionId }, contentType: "application/json;charset=UTF-8", dataType: "json", progress: true, async: false, statusCode: { 200: function (data) { fetchedAssigneeInfo = data; deferred.resolve(fetchedAssigneeInfo); }, error: function (e) { jError("Resource AssigneeInfoMap 議고쉶�� �ㅽ뙣�덉뒿�덈떎. �섏쨷�� �ㅼ떆 �쒕룄 諛붾엻�덈떎."); } } }); return deferred.promise(); }; var getFetchedAssigneeInfoMap = function() { return fetchedAssigneeInfo; } return { setPdServiceId, getPdServiceId, setPdServiceVersionLinks, getPdServiceVersions, fetchResourceData, getFetchedResourceData, fetchAssigneeInfoMap, getFetchedAssigneeInfoMap, pushReqAssignee, setReqAssignees, getReqAssignees, pushNotReqAssignee, setNotReqAssignees, getNotReqAssignees, pushCustomAssignee, removeCustomAssignee, getCustomAssignees, getHorizontalBarParamMap, getCustomAssigneesExceptUniqueId } })();