/*! * Flip 3.12.2 * https://greensock.com * * @license Copyright 2008-2023, GreenSock. All rights reserved. * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership. * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com */ /* eslint-disable */ import { getGlobalMatrix, _getDocScrollTop, _getDocScrollLeft, Matrix2D, _setDoc, _getCTM } from "./utils/matrix.js"; let _id = 1, _toArray, gsap, _batch, _batchAction, _body, _closestTenth, _getStyleSaver, _forEachBatch = (batch, name) => batch.actions.forEach(a => a.vars[name] && a.vars[name](a)), _batchLookup = {}, _RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI, _DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180, _emptyObj = {}, _dashedNameLookup = {}, _memoizedRemoveProps = {}, _listToArray = list => typeof(list) === "string" ? list.split(" ").join("").split(",") : list, // removes extra spaces contaminating the names, returns an Array. _callbacks = _listToArray("onStart,onUpdate,onComplete,onReverseComplete,onInterrupt"), _removeProps = _listToArray("transform,transformOrigin,width,height,position,top,left,opacity,zIndex,maxWidth,maxHeight,minWidth,minHeight"), _getEl = target => _toArray(target)[0] || console.warn("Element not found:", target), _round = value => Math.round(value * 10000) / 10000 || 0, _toggleClass = (targets, className, action) => targets.forEach(el => el.classList[action](className)), _reserved = {zIndex:1, kill:1, simple:1, spin:1, clearProps:1, targets:1, toggleClass:1, onComplete:1, onUpdate:1, onInterrupt:1, onStart:1, delay:1, repeat:1, repeatDelay:1, yoyo:1, scale:1, fade:1, absolute:1, props:1, onEnter:1, onLeave:1, custom:1, paused:1, nested:1, prune:1, absoluteOnLeave: 1}, _fitReserved = {zIndex:1, simple:1, clearProps:1, scale:1, absolute:1, fitChild:1, getVars:1, props:1}, _camelToDashed = p => p.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(), _copy = (obj, exclude) => { let result = {}, p; for (p in obj) { exclude[p] || (result[p] = obj[p]); } return result; }, _memoizedProps = {}, _memoizeProps = props => { let p = _memoizedProps[props] = _listToArray(props); _memoizedRemoveProps[props] = p.concat(_removeProps); return p; }, _getInverseGlobalMatrix = el => { // integrates caching for improved performance let cache = el._gsap || gsap.core.getCache(el); if (cache.gmCache === gsap.ticker.frame) { return cache.gMatrix; } cache.gmCache = gsap.ticker.frame; return (cache.gMatrix = getGlobalMatrix(el, true, false, true)); }, _getDOMDepth = (el, invert, level = 0) => { // In invert is true, the sibling depth is increments of 1, and parent/nesting depth is increments of 1000. This lets us order elements in an Array to reflect document flow. let parent = el.parentNode, inc = 1000 * (10 ** level) * (invert ? -1 : 1), l = invert ? -inc * 900 : 0; while (el) { l += inc; el = el.previousSibling; } return parent ? l + _getDOMDepth(parent, invert, level + 1) : l; }, _orderByDOMDepth = (comps, invert, isElStates) => { comps.forEach(comp => comp.d = _getDOMDepth(isElStates ? comp.element : comp.t, invert)); comps.sort((c1, c2) => c1.d - c2.d); return comps; }, _recordInlineStyles = (elState, props) => { // records the current inline CSS properties into an Array in alternating name/value pairs that's stored in a "css" property on the state object so that we can revert later. let style = elState.element.style, a = elState.css = elState.css || [], i = props.length, p, v; while (i--) { p = props[i]; v = style[p] || style.getPropertyValue(p); a.push(v ? p : _dashedNameLookup[p] || (_dashedNameLookup[p] = _camelToDashed(p)), v); } return style; }, _applyInlineStyles = state => { let css = state.css, style = state.element.style, i = 0; state.cache.uncache = 1; for (; i < css.length; i+=2) { css[i+1] ? (style[css[i]] = css[i+1]) : style.removeProperty(css[i]); } if (!css[css.indexOf("transform")+1] && style.translate) { // CSSPlugin adds scale, translate, and rotate inline CSS as "none" in order to keep CSS rules from contaminating transforms. style.removeProperty("translate"); style.removeProperty("scale"); style.removeProperty("rotate"); } }, _setFinalStates = (comps, onlyTransforms) => { comps.forEach(c => c.a.cache.uncache = 1); onlyTransforms || comps.finalStates.forEach(_applyInlineStyles); }, _absoluteProps = "paddingTop,paddingRight,paddingBottom,paddingLeft,gridArea,transition".split(","), // properties that we must record just _makeAbsolute = (elState, fallbackNode, ignoreBatch) => { let { element, width, height, uncache, getProp } = elState, style = element.style, i = 4, result, displayIsNone, cs; (typeof(fallbackNode) !== "object") && (fallbackNode = elState); if (_batch && ignoreBatch !== 1) { _batch._abs.push({t: element, b: elState, a: elState, sd: 0}); _batch._final.push(() => (elState.cache.uncache = 1) && _applyInlineStyles(elState)); return element; } displayIsNone = getProp("display") === "none"; if (!elState.isVisible || displayIsNone) { displayIsNone && (_recordInlineStyles(elState, ["display"]).display = fallbackNode.display); elState.matrix = fallbackNode.matrix; elState.width = width = elState.width || fallbackNode.width; elState.height = height = elState.height || fallbackNode.height; } _recordInlineStyles(elState, _absoluteProps); cs = window.getComputedStyle(element); while (i--) { style[_absoluteProps[i]] = cs[_absoluteProps[i]]; // record paddings as px-based because if removed from grid, percentage-based ones could be altered. } style.gridArea = "1 / 1 / 1 / 1"; style.transition = "none"; style.position = "absolute"; style.width = width + "px"; style.height = height + "px"; style.top || (style.top = "0px"); style.left || (style.left = "0px"); if (uncache) { result = new ElementState(element); } else { // better performance result = _copy(elState, _emptyObj); result.position = "absolute"; if (elState.simple) { let bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); result.matrix = new Matrix2D(1, 0, 0, 1, bounds.left + _getDocScrollLeft(), bounds.top + _getDocScrollTop()); } else { result.matrix = getGlobalMatrix(element, false, false, true); } } result = _fit(result, elState, true); elState.x = _closestTenth(result.x, 0.01); elState.y = _closestTenth(result.y, 0.01); return element; }, _filterComps = (comps, targets) => { if (targets !== true) { targets = _toArray(targets); comps = comps.filter(c => { if (targets.indexOf((c.sd < 0 ? c.b : c.a).element) !== -1) { return true; } else { c.t._gsap.renderTransform(1); // we must force transforms to render on anything that isn't being made position: absolute, otherwise the absolute position happens and then when animation begins it applies transforms which can create a new stacking context, throwing off positioning! if (c.b.isVisible) { c.t.style.width = c.b.width + "px"; // otherwise things can collapse when contents are made position: absolute. c.t.style.height = c.b.height + "px"; } } }); } return comps; }, _makeCompsAbsolute = comps => _orderByDOMDepth(comps, true).forEach(c => (c.a.isVisible || c.b.isVisible) && _makeAbsolute(c.sd < 0 ? c.b : c.a, c.b, 1)), _findElStateInState = (state, other) => (other && state.idLookup[_parseElementState(other).id]) || state.elementStates[0], _parseElementState = (elOrNode, props, simple, other) => elOrNode instanceof ElementState ? elOrNode : elOrNode instanceof FlipState ? _findElStateInState(elOrNode, other) : new ElementState(typeof(elOrNode) === "string" ? _getEl(elOrNode) || console.warn(elOrNode + " not found") : elOrNode, props, simple), _recordProps = (elState, props) => { let getProp = gsap.getProperty(elState.element, null, "native"), obj = elState.props = {}, i = props.length; while (i--) { obj[props[i]] = (getProp(props[i]) + "").trim(); } obj.zIndex && (obj.zIndex = parseFloat(obj.zIndex) || 0); return elState; }, _applyProps = (element, props) => { let style = element.style || element, // could pass in a vars object. p; for (p in props) { style[p] = props[p]; } }, _getID = el => { let id = el.getAttribute("data-flip-id"); id || el.setAttribute("data-flip-id", (id = "auto-" + _id++)); return id; }, _elementsFromElementStates = elStates => elStates.map(elState => elState.element), _handleCallback = (callback, elStates, tl) => callback && elStates.length && tl.add(callback(_elementsFromElementStates(elStates), tl, new FlipState(elStates, 0, true)), 0), _fit = (fromState, toState, scale, applyProps, fitChild, vars) => { let { element, cache, parent, x, y } = fromState, { width, height, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, bounds } = toState, styles = vars && _getStyleSaver && _getStyleSaver(element, "transform"), // requires at least 3.11.5 dimensionState = fromState, {e, f} = toState.matrix, deep = fromState.bounds.width !== bounds.width || fromState.bounds.height !== bounds.height || fromState.scaleX !== scaleX || fromState.scaleY !== scaleY || fromState.rotation !== rotation, simple = !deep && fromState.simple && toState.simple && !fitChild, skewX, fromPoint, toPoint, getProp, parentMatrix, matrix, bbox; if (simple || !parent) { scaleX = scaleY = 1; rotation = skewX = 0; } else { parentMatrix = _getInverseGlobalMatrix(parent); matrix = parentMatrix.clone().multiply(toState.ctm ? toState.matrix.clone().multiply(toState.ctm) : toState.matrix); // root SVG elements have a ctm that we must factor out (for example, viewBox:"0 0 94 94" with a width of 200px would scale the internals by 2.127 but when we're matching the size of the root element itself, that scaling shouldn't factor in!) rotation = _round(Math.atan2(matrix.b, matrix.a) * _RAD2DEG); skewX = _round(Math.atan2(matrix.c, matrix.d) * _RAD2DEG + rotation) % 360; // in very rare cases, minor rounding might end up with 360 which should be 0. scaleX = Math.sqrt(matrix.a ** 2 + matrix.b ** 2); scaleY = Math.sqrt(matrix.c ** 2 + matrix.d ** 2) * Math.cos(skewX * _DEG2RAD); if (fitChild) { fitChild = _toArray(fitChild)[0]; getProp = gsap.getProperty(fitChild); bbox = fitChild.getBBox && typeof(fitChild.getBBox) === "function" && fitChild.getBBox(); dimensionState = {scaleX: getProp("scaleX"), scaleY: getProp("scaleY"), width: bbox ? bbox.width : Math.ceil(parseFloat(getProp("width", "px"))), height: bbox ? bbox.height : parseFloat(getProp("height", "px")) }; } cache.rotation = rotation + "deg"; cache.skewX = skewX + "deg"; } if (scale) { scaleX *= width === dimensionState.width || !dimensionState.width ? 1 : width / dimensionState.width; // note if widths are both 0, we should make scaleX 1 - some elements have box-sizing that incorporates padding, etc. and we don't want it to collapse in that case. scaleY *= height === dimensionState.height || !dimensionState.height ? 1 : height / dimensionState.height; cache.scaleX = scaleX; cache.scaleY = scaleY; } else { width = _closestTenth(width * scaleX / dimensionState.scaleX, 0); height = _closestTenth(height * scaleY / dimensionState.scaleY, 0); element.style.width = width + "px"; element.style.height = height + "px"; } // if (fromState.isFixed) { // commented out because it's now taken care of in getGlobalMatrix() with a flag at the end. // e -= _getDocScrollLeft(); // f -= _getDocScrollTop(); // } applyProps && _applyProps(element, toState.props); if (simple || !parent) { x += e - fromState.matrix.e; y += f - fromState.matrix.f; } else if (deep || parent !== toState.parent) { cache.renderTransform(1, cache); matrix = getGlobalMatrix(fitChild || element, false, false, true); fromPoint = parentMatrix.apply({x: matrix.e, y: matrix.f}); toPoint = parentMatrix.apply({x: e, y: f}); x += toPoint.x - fromPoint.x; y += toPoint.y - fromPoint.y; } else { // use a faster/cheaper algorithm if we're just moving x/y parentMatrix.e = parentMatrix.f = 0; toPoint = parentMatrix.apply({x: e - fromState.matrix.e, y: f - fromState.matrix.f}); x += toPoint.x; y += toPoint.y; } x = _closestTenth(x, 0.02); y = _closestTenth(y, 0.02); if (vars && !(vars instanceof ElementState)) { // revert styles && styles.revert(); } else { // or apply the transform immediately cache.x = x + "px"; cache.y = y + "px"; cache.renderTransform(1, cache); } if (vars) { vars.x = x; vars.y = y; vars.rotation = rotation; vars.skewX = skewX; if (scale) { vars.scaleX = scaleX; vars.scaleY = scaleY; } else { vars.width = width; vars.height = height; } } return vars || cache; }, _parseState = (targetsOrState, vars) => targetsOrState instanceof FlipState ? targetsOrState : new FlipState(targetsOrState, vars), _getChangingElState = (toState, fromState, id) => { let to1 = toState.idLookup[id], to2 = toState.alt[id]; return to2.isVisible && (!(fromState.getElementState(to2.element) || to2).isVisible || !to1.isVisible) ? to2 : to1; }, _bodyMetrics = [], _bodyProps = "width,height,overflowX,overflowY".split(","), _bodyLocked, _lockBodyScroll = lock => { // if there's no scrollbar, we should lock that so that measurements don't get affected by temporary repositioning, like if something is centered in the window. if (lock !== _bodyLocked) { let s = _body.style, w = _body.clientWidth === window.outerWidth, h = _body.clientHeight === window.outerHeight, i = 4; if (lock && (w || h)) { while (i--) { _bodyMetrics[i] = s[_bodyProps[i]]; } if (w) { s.width = _body.clientWidth + "px"; s.overflowY = "hidden"; } if (h) { s.height = _body.clientHeight + "px"; s.overflowX = "hidden"; } _bodyLocked= lock; } else if (_bodyLocked) { while (i--) { _bodyMetrics[i] ? (s[_bodyProps[i]] = _bodyMetrics[i]) : s.removeProperty(_camelToDashed(_bodyProps[i])); } _bodyLocked = lock; } } }, _fromTo = (fromState, toState, vars, relative) => { // relative is -1 if "from()", and 1 if "to()" (fromState instanceof FlipState && toState instanceof FlipState) || console.warn("Not a valid state object."); vars = vars || {}; let { clearProps, onEnter, onLeave, absolute, absoluteOnLeave, custom, delay, paused, repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, toggleClass, nested, zIndex, scale, fade, stagger, spin, prune } = vars, props = ("props" in vars ? vars : fromState).props, tweenVars = _copy(vars, _reserved), animation = gsap.timeline({ delay, paused, repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, data: "isFlip" }), remainingProps = tweenVars, entering = [], leaving = [], comps = [], swapOutTargets = [], spinNum = spin === true ? 1 : spin || 0, spinFunc = typeof(spin) === "function" ? spin : () => spinNum, interrupted = fromState.interrupted || toState.interrupted, addFunc = animation[relative !== 1 ? "to" : "from"], v, p, endTime, i, el, comp, state, targets, finalStates, fromNode, toNode, run, a, b; //relative || (toState = (new FlipState(toState.targets, {props: props})).fit(toState, scale)); for (p in toState.idLookup) { toNode = !toState.alt[p] ? toState.idLookup[p] : _getChangingElState(toState, fromState, p); el = toNode.element; fromNode = fromState.idLookup[p]; fromState.alt[p] && el === fromNode.element && (fromState.alt[p].isVisible || !toNode.isVisible) && (fromNode = fromState.alt[p]); if (fromNode) { comp = {t: el, b: fromNode, a: toNode, sd: fromNode.element === el ? 0 : toNode.isVisible ? 1 : -1}; comps.push(comp); if (comp.sd) { if (comp.sd < 0) { comp.b = toNode; comp.a = fromNode; } // for swapping elements that got interrupted, we must re-record the inline styles to ensure they're not tainted. Remember, .batch() permits getState() not to force in-progress flips to their end state. interrupted && _recordInlineStyles(comp.b, props ? _memoizedRemoveProps[props] : _removeProps); fade && comps.push(comp.swap = {t: fromNode.element, b: comp.b, a: comp.a, sd: -comp.sd, swap: comp}); } el._flip = fromNode.element._flip = _batch ? _batch.timeline : animation; } else if (toNode.isVisible) { comps.push({t: el, b: _copy(toNode, {isVisible:1}), a: toNode, sd: 0, entering: 1}); // to include it in the "entering" Array and do absolute positioning if necessary el._flip = _batch ? _batch.timeline : animation; } } props && (_memoizedProps[props] || _memoizeProps(props)).forEach(p => tweenVars[p] = i => comps[i].a.props[p]); comps.finalStates = finalStates = []; run = () => { _orderByDOMDepth(comps); _lockBodyScroll(true); // otherwise, measurements may get thrown off when things get fit. // TODO: cache the matrix, especially for parent because it'll probably get reused quite a bit, but lock it to a particular cycle(?). for (i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { comp = comps[i]; a = comp.a; b = comp.b; if (prune && !a.isDifferent(b) && !comp.entering) { // only flip if things changed! Don't omit it from comps initially because that'd prevent the element from being positioned absolutely (if necessary) comps.splice(i--, 1); } else { el = comp.t; nested && !(comp.sd < 0) && i && (a.matrix = getGlobalMatrix(el, false, false, true)); // moving a parent affects the position of children if (b.isVisible && a.isVisible) { if (comp.sd < 0) { // swapping OUT (swap direction of -1 is out) state = new ElementState(el, props, fromState.simple); _fit(state, a, scale, 0, 0, state); state.matrix = getGlobalMatrix(el, false, false, true); state.css = comp.b.css; comp.a = a = state; fade && (el.style.opacity = interrupted ? b.opacity : a.opacity); stagger && swapOutTargets.push(el); } else if (comp.sd > 0 && fade) { // swapping IN (swap direction of 1 is in) el.style.opacity = interrupted ? a.opacity - b.opacity : "0"; } _fit(a, b, scale, props); } else if (b.isVisible !== a.isVisible) { // either entering or leaving (one side is invisible) if (!b.isVisible) { // entering a.isVisible && entering.push(a); comps.splice(i--, 1); } else if (!a.isVisible) { // leaving b.css = a.css; leaving.push(b); comps.splice(i--, 1); absolute && nested && _fit(a, b, scale, props); } } if (!scale) { el.style.maxWidth = Math.max(a.width, b.width) + "px"; el.style.maxHeight = Math.max(a.height, b.height) + "px"; el.style.minWidth = Math.min(a.width, b.width) + "px"; el.style.minHeight = Math.min(a.height, b.height) + "px"; } nested && toggleClass && el.classList.add(toggleClass); } finalStates.push(a); } let classTargets; if (toggleClass) { classTargets = finalStates.map(s => s.element); nested && classTargets.forEach(e => e.classList.remove(toggleClass)); // there could be a delay, so don't leave the classes applied (we'll do it in a timeline callback) } _lockBodyScroll(false); if (scale) { tweenVars.scaleX = i => comps[i].a.scaleX; tweenVars.scaleY = i => comps[i].a.scaleY; } else { tweenVars.width = i => comps[i].a.width + "px"; tweenVars.height = i => comps[i].a.height + "px"; tweenVars.autoRound = vars.autoRound || false; } tweenVars.x = i => comps[i].a.x + "px"; tweenVars.y = i => comps[i].a.y + "px"; tweenVars.rotation = i => comps[i].a.rotation + (spin ? spinFunc(i, targets[i], targets) * 360 : 0); tweenVars.skewX = i => comps[i].a.skewX; targets = comps.map(c => c.t); if (zIndex || zIndex === 0) { tweenVars.modifiers = {zIndex: () => zIndex}; tweenVars.zIndex = zIndex; tweenVars.immediateRender = vars.immediateRender !== false; } fade && (tweenVars.opacity = i => comps[i].sd < 0 ? 0 : comps[i].sd > 0 ? comps[i].a.opacity : "+=0"); if (swapOutTargets.length) { stagger = gsap.utils.distribute(stagger); let dummyArray = targets.slice(swapOutTargets.length); tweenVars.stagger = (i, el) => stagger(~swapOutTargets.indexOf(el) ? targets.indexOf(comps[i].swap.t) : i, el, dummyArray); } // // for testing... // gsap.delayedCall(vars.data ? 50 : 1, function() { // animation.eventCallback("onComplete", () => _setFinalStates(comps, !clearProps)); // addFunc.call(animation, targets, tweenVars, 0).play(); // }); // return; _callbacks.forEach(name => vars[name] && animation.eventCallback(name, vars[name], vars[name + "Params"])); // apply callbacks to the timeline, not tweens (because "custom" timing can make multiple tweens) if (custom && targets.length) { // bust out the custom properties as their own tweens so they can use different eases, durations, etc. remainingProps = _copy(tweenVars, _reserved); if ("scale" in custom) { custom.scaleX = custom.scaleY = custom.scale; delete custom.scale; } for (p in custom) { v = _copy(custom[p], _fitReserved); v[p] = tweenVars[p]; !("duration" in v) && ("duration" in tweenVars) && (v.duration = tweenVars.duration); v.stagger = tweenVars.stagger; addFunc.call(animation, targets, v, 0); delete remainingProps[p]; } } if (targets.length || leaving.length || entering.length) { toggleClass && animation.add(() => _toggleClass(classTargets, toggleClass, animation._zTime < 0 ? "remove" : "add"), 0) && !paused && _toggleClass(classTargets, toggleClass, "add"); targets.length && addFunc.call(animation, targets, remainingProps, 0); } _handleCallback(onEnter, entering, animation); _handleCallback(onLeave, leaving, animation); let batchTl = _batch && _batch.timeline; if (batchTl) { batchTl.add(animation, 0); _batch._final.push(() => _setFinalStates(comps, !clearProps)); } endTime = animation.duration(); animation.call(() => { let forward = animation.time() >= endTime; forward && !batchTl && _setFinalStates(comps, !clearProps); toggleClass && _toggleClass(classTargets, toggleClass, forward ? "remove" : "add"); }); }; absoluteOnLeave && (absolute = comps.filter(comp => !comp.sd && !comp.a.isVisible && comp.b.isVisible).map(comp => comp.a.element)); if (_batch) { absolute && _batch._abs.push(..._filterComps(comps, absolute)); _batch._run.push(run); } else { absolute && _makeCompsAbsolute(_filterComps(comps, absolute)); // when making absolute, we must go in a very particular order so that document flow changes don't affect things. Don't make it visible if both the before and after states are invisible! There's no point, and it could make things appear visible during the flip that shouldn't be. run(); } let anim = _batch ? _batch.timeline : animation; anim.revert = () => _killFlip(anim, 1, 1); // a Flip timeline should behave very different when reverting - it should actually jump to the end so that styles get cleared out. return anim; }, _interrupt = tl => { tl.vars.onInterrupt && tl.vars.onInterrupt.apply(tl, tl.vars.onInterruptParams || []); tl.getChildren(true, false, true).forEach(_interrupt); }, _killFlip = (tl, action, force) => { // action: 0 = nothing, 1 = complete, 2 = only kill (don't complete) if (tl && tl.progress() < 1 && (!tl.paused() || force)) { if (action) { _interrupt(tl); action < 2 && tl.progress(1); // we should also kill it in case it was added to a parent timeline. tl.kill(); } return true; } }, _createLookup = state => { let lookup = state.idLookup = {}, alt = state.alt = {}, elStates = state.elementStates, i = elStates.length, elState; while (i--) { elState = elStates[i]; lookup[elState.id] ? (alt[elState.id] = elState) : (lookup[elState.id] = elState); } }; class FlipState { constructor(targets, vars, targetsAreElementStates) { this.props = vars && vars.props; this.simple = !!(vars && vars.simple); if (targetsAreElementStates) { this.targets = _elementsFromElementStates(targets); this.elementStates = targets; _createLookup(this); } else { this.targets = _toArray(targets); let soft = vars && (vars.kill === false || (vars.batch && !vars.kill)); _batch && !soft && _batch._kill.push(this); this.update(soft || !!_batch); // when batching, don't force in-progress flips to their end; we need to do that AFTER all getStates() are called. } } update(soft) { this.elementStates = this.targets.map(el => new ElementState(el, this.props, this.simple)); _createLookup(this); this.interrupt(soft); this.recordInlineStyles(); return this; } clear() { this.targets.length = this.elementStates.length = 0; _createLookup(this); return this; } fit(state, scale, nested) { let elStatesInOrder = _orderByDOMDepth(this.elementStates.slice(0), false, true), toElStates = (state || this).idLookup, i = 0, fromNode, toNode; for (; i < elStatesInOrder.length; i++) { fromNode = elStatesInOrder[i]; nested && (fromNode.matrix = getGlobalMatrix(fromNode.element, false, false, true)); // moving a parent affects the position of children toNode = toElStates[fromNode.id]; toNode && _fit(fromNode, toNode, scale, true, 0, fromNode); fromNode.matrix = getGlobalMatrix(fromNode.element, false, false, true); } return this; } getProperty(element, property) { let es = this.getElementState(element) || _emptyObj; return (property in es ? es : es.props || _emptyObj)[property]; } add(state) { let i = state.targets.length, lookup = this.idLookup, alt = this.alt, index, es, es2; while (i--) { es = state.elementStates[i]; es2 = lookup[es.id]; if (es2 && (es.element === es2.element || (alt[es.id] && alt[es.id].element === es.element))) { // if the flip id is already in this FlipState, replace it! index = this.elementStates.indexOf(es.element === es2.element ? es2 : alt[es.id]); this.targets.splice(index, 1, state.targets[i]); this.elementStates.splice(index, 1, es); } else { this.targets.push(state.targets[i]); this.elementStates.push(es); } } state.interrupted && (this.interrupted = true); state.simple || (this.simple = false); _createLookup(this); return this; } compare(state) { let l1 = state.idLookup, l2 = this.idLookup, unchanged = [], changed = [], enter = [], leave = [], targets = [], a1 = state.alt, a2 = this.alt, place = (s1, s2, el) => (s1.isVisible !== s2.isVisible ? (s1.isVisible ? enter : leave) : s1.isVisible ? changed : unchanged).push(el) && targets.push(el), placeIfDoesNotExist = (s1, s2, el) => targets.indexOf(el) < 0 && place(s1, s2, el), s1, s2, p, el, s1Alt, s2Alt, c1, c2; for (p in l1) { s1Alt = a1[p]; s2Alt = a2[p]; s1 = !s1Alt ? l1[p] : _getChangingElState(state, this, p); el = s1.element; s2 = l2[p]; if (s2Alt) { c2 = s2.isVisible || (!s2Alt.isVisible && el === s2.element) ? s2 : s2Alt; c1 = s1Alt && !s1.isVisible && !s1Alt.isVisible && c2.element === s1Alt.element ? s1Alt : s1; //c1.element !== c2.element && c1.element === s2.element && (c2 = s2); if (c1.isVisible && c2.isVisible && c1.element !== c2.element) { // swapping, so force into "changed" array (c1.isDifferent(c2) ? changed : unchanged).push(c1.element, c2.element); targets.push(c1.element, c2.element); } else { place(c1, c2, c1.element); } s1Alt && c1.element === s1Alt.element && (s1Alt = l1[p]); placeIfDoesNotExist(c1.element !== s2.element && s1Alt ? s1Alt : c1, s2, s2.element); placeIfDoesNotExist(s1Alt && s1Alt.element === s2Alt.element ? s1Alt : c1, s2Alt, s2Alt.element); s1Alt && placeIfDoesNotExist(s1Alt, s2Alt.element === s1Alt.element ? s2Alt : s2, s1Alt.element); } else { !s2 ? enter.push(el) : !s2.isDifferent(s1) ? unchanged.push(el) : place(s1, s2, el); s1Alt && placeIfDoesNotExist(s1Alt, s2, s1Alt.element); } } for (p in l2) { if (!l1[p]) { leave.push(l2[p].element); a2[p] && leave.push(a2[p].element); } } return {changed, unchanged, enter, leave}; } recordInlineStyles() { let props = _memoizedRemoveProps[this.props] || _removeProps, i = this.elementStates.length; while (i--) { _recordInlineStyles(this.elementStates[i], props); } } interrupt(soft) { // soft = DON'T force in-progress flip animations to completion (like when running a batch, we can't immediately kill flips when getting states because it could contaminate positioning and other .getState() calls that will run in the batch (we kill AFTER all the .getState() calls complete). let timelines = []; this.targets.forEach(t => { let tl = t._flip, foundInProgress = _killFlip(tl, soft ? 0 : 1); soft && foundInProgress && timelines.indexOf(tl) < 0 && tl.add(() => this.updateVisibility()); foundInProgress && timelines.push(tl); }); !soft && timelines.length && this.updateVisibility(); // if we found an in-progress Flip animation, we must record all the values in their current state at that point BUT we should update the isVisible value AFTER pushing that flip to completion so that elements that are entering or leaving will populate those Arrays properly. this.interrupted || (this.interrupted = !!timelines.length); } updateVisibility() { this.elementStates.forEach(es => { let b = es.element.getBoundingClientRect(); es.isVisible = !!(b.width || b.height || b.top || b.left); es.uncache = 1; }); } getElementState(element) { return this.elementStates[this.targets.indexOf(_getEl(element))]; } makeAbsolute() { return _orderByDOMDepth(this.elementStates.slice(0), true, true).map(_makeAbsolute); } } class ElementState { constructor(element, props, simple) { this.element = element; this.update(props, simple); } isDifferent(state) { let b1 = this.bounds, b2 = state.bounds; return b1.top !== b2.top || b1.left !== b2.left || b1.width !== b2.width || b1.height !== b2.height || !this.matrix.equals(state.matrix) || this.opacity !== state.opacity || (this.props && state.props && JSON.stringify(this.props) !== JSON.stringify(state.props)); } update(props, simple) { let self = this, element = self.element, getProp = gsap.getProperty(element), cache = gsap.core.getCache(element), bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(), bbox = element.getBBox && typeof(element.getBBox) === "function" && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "svg" && element.getBBox(), m = simple ? new Matrix2D(1, 0, 0, 1, bounds.left + _getDocScrollLeft(), bounds.top + _getDocScrollTop()) : getGlobalMatrix(element, false, false, true); self.getProp = getProp; self.element = element; self.id = _getID(element); self.matrix = m; self.cache = cache; self.bounds = bounds; self.isVisible = !!(bounds.width || bounds.height || bounds.left || bounds.top); self.display = getProp("display"); self.position = getProp("position"); self.parent = element.parentNode; self.x = getProp("x"); self.y = getProp("y"); self.scaleX = cache.scaleX; self.scaleY = cache.scaleY; self.rotation = getProp("rotation"); self.skewX = getProp("skewX"); self.opacity = getProp("opacity"); self.width = bbox ? bbox.width : _closestTenth(getProp("width", "px"), 0.04); // round up to the closest 0.1 so that text doesn't wrap. self.height = bbox ? bbox.height : _closestTenth(getProp("height", "px"), 0.04); props && _recordProps(self, _memoizedProps[props] || _memoizeProps(props)); self.ctm = element.getCTM && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "svg" && _getCTM(element).inverse(); self.simple = simple || (_round(m.a) === 1 && !_round(m.b) && !_round(m.c) && _round(m.d) === 1); // allows us to speed through some other tasks if it's not scale/rotated self.uncache = 0; } } class FlipAction { constructor(vars, batch) { this.vars = vars; this.batch = batch; this.states = []; this.timeline = batch.timeline; } getStateById(id) { let i = this.states.length; while (i--) { if (this.states[i].idLookup[id]) { return this.states[i]; } } } kill() { this.batch.remove(this); } } class FlipBatch { constructor(id) { this.id = id; this.actions = []; this._kill = []; this._final = []; this._abs = []; this._run = []; this.data = {}; this.state = new FlipState(); this.timeline = gsap.timeline(); } add(config) { let result = this.actions.filter(action => action.vars === config); if (result.length) { return result[0]; } result = new FlipAction(typeof(config) === "function" ? {animate: config} : config, this); this.actions.push(result); return result; } remove(action) { let i = this.actions.indexOf(action); i >= 0 && this.actions.splice(i, 1); return this; } getState(merge) { let prevBatch = _batch, prevAction = _batchAction; _batch = this; this.state.clear(); this._kill.length = 0; this.actions.forEach(action => { if (action.vars.getState) { action.states.length = 0; _batchAction = action; action.state = action.vars.getState(action); } merge && action.states.forEach(s => this.state.add(s)); }); _batchAction = prevAction; _batch = prevBatch; this.killConflicts(); return this; } animate() { let prevBatch = _batch, tl = this.timeline, i = this.actions.length, finalStates, endTime; _batch = this; tl.clear(); this._abs.length = this._final.length = this._run.length = 0; this.actions.forEach(a => { a.vars.animate && a.vars.animate(a); let onEnter = a.vars.onEnter, onLeave = a.vars.onLeave, targets = a.targets, s, result; if (targets && targets.length && (onEnter || onLeave)) { s = new FlipState(); a.states.forEach(state => s.add(state)); result = s.compare(Flip.getState(targets)); result.enter.length && onEnter && onEnter(result.enter); result.leave.length && onLeave && onLeave(result.leave); } }); _makeCompsAbsolute(this._abs); this._run.forEach(f => f()); endTime = tl.duration(); finalStates = this._final.slice(0); tl.add(() => { if (endTime <= tl.time()) { // only call if moving forward in the timeline (in case it's nested in a timeline that gets reversed) finalStates.forEach(f => f()); _forEachBatch(this, "onComplete"); } }); _batch = prevBatch; while (i--) { this.actions[i].vars.once && this.actions[i].kill(); } _forEachBatch(this, "onStart"); tl.restart(); return this; } loadState(done) { done || (done = () => 0); let queue = []; this.actions.forEach(c => { if (c.vars.loadState) { let i, f = targets => { targets && (c.targets = targets); i = queue.indexOf(f); if (~i) { queue.splice(i, 1); queue.length || done(); } }; queue.push(f); c.vars.loadState(f); } }); queue.length || done(); return this; } setState() { this.actions.forEach(c => c.targets = c.vars.setState && c.vars.setState(c)); return this; } killConflicts(soft) { this.state.interrupt(soft); this._kill.forEach(state => state.interrupt(soft)); return this; } run(skipGetState, merge) { if (this !== _batch) { skipGetState || this.getState(merge); this.loadState(() => { if (!this._killed) { this.setState(); this.animate(); } }); } return this; } clear(stateOnly) { this.state.clear(); stateOnly || (this.actions.length = 0); } getStateById(id) { let i = this.actions.length, s; while (i--) { s = this.actions[i].getStateById(id); if (s) { return s; } } return this.state.idLookup[id] && this.state; } kill() { this._killed = 1; this.clear(); delete _batchLookup[this.id]; } } export class Flip { static getState(targets, vars) { let state = _parseState(targets, vars); _batchAction && _batchAction.states.push(state); vars && vars.batch && Flip.batch(vars.batch).state.add(state); return state; } static from(state, vars) { vars = vars || {}; ("clearProps" in vars) || (vars.clearProps = true); return _fromTo(state, _parseState(vars.targets || state.targets, {props: vars.props || state.props, simple: vars.simple, kill: !!vars.kill}), vars, -1); } static to(state, vars) { return _fromTo(state, _parseState(vars.targets || state.targets, {props: vars.props || state.props, simple: vars.simple, kill: !!vars.kill}), vars, 1); } static fromTo(fromState, toState, vars) { return _fromTo(fromState, toState, vars); } static fit(fromEl, toEl, vars) { let v = vars ? _copy(vars, _fitReserved) : {}, {absolute, scale, getVars, props, runBackwards, onComplete, simple} = vars || v, fitChild = vars && vars.fitChild && _getEl(vars.fitChild), before = _parseElementState(toEl, props, simple, fromEl), after = _parseElementState(fromEl, 0, simple, before), inlineProps = props ? _memoizedRemoveProps[props] : _removeProps; props && _applyProps(v, before.props); if (runBackwards) { _recordInlineStyles(after, inlineProps); ("immediateRender" in v) || (v.immediateRender = true); v.onComplete = function() { _applyInlineStyles(after); onComplete && onComplete.apply(this, arguments); }; } absolute && _makeAbsolute(after, before); v = _fit(after, before, scale || fitChild, props, fitChild, v.duration || getVars ? v : 0); return getVars ? v : v.duration ? gsap.to(after.element, v) : null; } static makeAbsolute(targetsOrStates, vars) { return (targetsOrStates instanceof FlipState ? targetsOrStates : new FlipState(targetsOrStates, vars)).makeAbsolute(); } static batch(id) { id || (id = "default"); return _batchLookup[id] || (_batchLookup[id] = new FlipBatch(id)); } static killFlipsOf(targets, complete) { (targets instanceof FlipState ? targets.targets : _toArray(targets)).forEach(t => t && _killFlip(t._flip, complete !== false ? 1 : 2)); } static isFlipping(target) { let f = Flip.getByTarget(target); return !!f && f.isActive(); } static getByTarget(target) { return (_getEl(target) || _emptyObj)._flip; } static getElementState(target, props) { return new ElementState(_getEl(target), props); } static convertCoordinates(fromElement, toElement, point) { let m = getGlobalMatrix(toElement, true, true).multiply(getGlobalMatrix(fromElement)); return point ? m.apply(point) : m; } static register(core) { _body = typeof(document) !== "undefined" && document.body; if (_body) { gsap = core; _setDoc(_body); _toArray = gsap.utils.toArray; _getStyleSaver = gsap.core.getStyleSaver; let snap = gsap.utils.snap(0.1); _closestTenth = (value, add) => snap(parseFloat(value) + add); } } } Flip.version = "3.12.2"; // function whenImagesLoad(el, func) { // let pending = [], // onLoad = e => { // pending.splice(pending.indexOf(e.target), 1); // e.target.removeEventListener("load", onLoad); // pending.length || func(); // }; // gsap.utils.toArray(el.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img" ? el : el.querySelectorAll("img")).forEach(img => img.complete || img.addEventListener("load", onLoad) || pending.push(img)); // pending.length || func(); // } typeof(window) !== "undefined" && window.gsap && window.gsap.registerPlugin(Flip); export { Flip as default };