export const template1 = { tables: [ { id: 0, name: "users", x: 114.92525, y: 281.2977500000002, fields: [ { name: "id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: true, notNull: true, increment: true, comment: "", id: 0, }, { name: "username", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 1, size: 255, }, { name: "password", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 2, size: 255, }, { name: "email", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 3, size: 255, }, { name: "last_login", type: "TIMESTAMP", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 4, size: "", values: [], }, ], comment: "", indices: [], color: "#6360f7", }, { id: 1, name: "blog_posts", x: 277.57925, y: 19.206750000000113, fields: [ { name: "id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: true, notNull: true, increment: true, comment: "", id: 0, }, { name: "user_id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 1, }, { name: "title", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 2, size: 255, }, { name: "content", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 3, size: 255, }, { name: "cover", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 4, size: 255, }, ], comment: "", indices: [], color: "#bc49c4", }, { id: 2, name: "comments", x: 505.62112500000035, y: 341.6078750000002, fields: [ { name: "id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: true, notNull: true, increment: true, comment: "", id: 0, }, { name: "blog_id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 1, }, { name: "user_id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 2, }, { name: "content", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 3, size: 255, }, ], comment: "", indices: [], color: "#3cde7d", }, { id: 3, name: "tags", x: 743.2832500000009, y: 318.1841250000001, fields: [ { name: "id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: true, notNull: true, increment: true, comment: "", id: 0, }, { name: "name", type: "VARCHAR", default: "", check: "", primary: false, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 1, size: 255, }, ], comment: "", indices: [], color: "#7d9dff", }, { id: 4, name: "blog_tag", x: 812.1175000000004, y: 131.55062500000008, fields: [ { name: "blog_id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 0, }, { name: "tag_id", type: "INT", default: "", check: "", primary: true, unique: false, notNull: false, increment: false, comment: "", id: 1, }, ], comment: "", indices: [], color: "#ffe159", }, ], relationships: [ { startTableId: 1, startFieldId: 1, endTableId: 0, endFieldId: 0, name: "blog_posts_user_id_fk", cardinality: "Many to one", updateConstraint: "No action", deleteConstraint: "No action", id: 0, }, { startTableId: 2, startFieldId: 1, endTableId: 1, endFieldId: 0, name: "comments_blog_id_fk", cardinality: "Many to one", updateConstraint: "No action", deleteConstraint: "No action", id: 1, }, { startTableId: 2, startFieldId: 2, endTableId: 0, endFieldId: 0, name: "comments_user_id_fk", cardinality: "Many to one", updateConstraint: "No action", deleteConstraint: "No action", id: 2, }, { startTableId: 4, startFieldId: 1, endTableId: 3, endFieldId: 0, name: "blog_tag_tag_id_fk", cardinality: "Many to one", updateConstraint: "No action", deleteConstraint: "No action", id: 3, }, { startTableId: 4, startFieldId: 0, endTableId: 1, endFieldId: 0, name: "blog_tag_blog_id_fk", cardinality: "Many to one", updateConstraint: "No action", deleteConstraint: "No action", id: 4, }, ], notes: [], subjectAreas: [], types: [], title: "Blog database schema", description: "A blog database including tables such as posts, users, comments, and tags to facilitate the storage and retrieval of blog-related information.", custom: 0, };