TableTools provides the ability to group buttons into a hidden drop down list, which is activated by clicking on a top-level button. This is achieved by extending the 'collection' predefined button type and setting it's aButtons parameter with the same options as the top level buttons (note that you cannot currently use a collection within a collection).
The example below shows the file save buttons grouped into a collection, while the copy and print buttons are left on the top level.
Rendering engine | Browser | Platform(s) | Engine version | CSS grade |
Rendering engine | Browser | Platform(s) | Engine version | CSS grade |
Trident | Internet Explorer 4.0 | Win 95+ (Entity: &) | 4 | X |
Trident | Internet Explorer 5.0 | Win 95+ | 5 | C |
Trident | Internet Explorer 5.5 | Win 95+ | 5.5 | A |
Trident | Internet Explorer 6 | Win 98+ | 6 | A |
Trident | Internet Explorer 7 | Win XP SP2+ | 7 | A |
Trident | AOL browser (AOL desktop) | Win XP | 6 | A |
Gecko (UTF-8: $¢€) | Firefox 1.0 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Firefox 1.5 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Firefox 2.0 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Firefox 3.0 | Win 2k+ / OSX.3+ | 1.9 | A |
Gecko | Camino 1.0 | OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Camino 1.5 | OSX.3+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Netscape 7.2 | Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2 | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Netscape Browser 8 | Win 98SE+ | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Netscape Navigator 9 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.0 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.1 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.1 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.2 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.2 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.3 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.3 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.4 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.4 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.5 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.5 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.6 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | 1.6 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.7 | Win 98+ / OSX.1+ | 1.7 | A |
Gecko | Mozilla 1.8 | Win 98+ / OSX.1+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Seamonkey 1.1 | Win 98+ / OSX.2+ | 1.8 | A |
Gecko | Epiphany 2.20 | Gnome | 1.8 | A |
Webkit | Safari 1.2 | OSX.3 | 125.5 | A |
Webkit | Safari 1.3 | OSX.3 | 312.8 | A |
Webkit | Safari 2.0 | OSX.4+ | 419.3 | A |
Webkit | Safari 3.0 | OSX.4+ | 522.1 | A |
Webkit | OmniWeb 5.5 | OSX.4+ | 420 | A |
Webkit | iPod Touch / iPhone | iPod | 420.1 | A |
Webkit | S60 | S60 | 413 | A |
Presto | Opera 7.0 | Win 95+ / OSX.1+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 7.5 | Win 95+ / OSX.2+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 8.0 | Win 95+ / OSX.2+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 8.5 | Win 95+ / OSX.2+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 9.0 | Win 95+ / OSX.3+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 9.2 | Win 88+ / OSX.3+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera 9.5 | Win 88+ / OSX.3+ | - | A |
Presto | Opera for Wii | Wii | - | A |
Presto | Nokia N800 | N800 | - | A |
Presto | Nintendo DS browser | Nintendo DS | 8.5 | C/A1 |
KHTML | Konqureror 3.1 | KDE 3.1 | 3.1 | C |
KHTML | Konqureror 3.3 | KDE 3.3 | 3.3 | A |
KHTML | Konqureror 3.5 | KDE 3.5 | 3.5 | A |
Tasman | Internet Explorer 4.5 | Mac OS 8-9 | - | X |
Tasman | Internet Explorer 5.1 | Mac OS 7.6-9 | 1 | C |
Tasman | Internet Explorer 5.2 | Mac OS 8-X | 1 | C |
Misc | NetFront 3.1 | Embedded devices | - | C |
Misc | NetFront 3.4 | Embedded devices | - | A |
Misc | Dillo 0.8 | Embedded devices | - | X |
Misc | Links | Text only | - | X |
Misc | Lynx | Text only | - | X |
Misc | IE Mobile | Windows Mobile 6 | - | C |
Misc | PSP browser | PSP | - | C |
Other browsers | All others | - | - | U |
$(document).ready( function () { $('#example').dataTable( { "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "oTableTools": { "aButtons": [ "copy", "print", { "sExtends": "collection", "sButtonText": "Save", "aButtons": [ "csv", "xls", "pdf" ] } ] } } ); } );