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[ TSF 의 이름을 JTS 로 변경하며 Project Template 구조를 적용하기 위하여 Rebuild 합니다. ]

[SmartCommit] SP-535 #close #time 1h +review SR @dongmin.lee

#comment TSF의 진정한 재탄생을 위하여 JTS로 이름을 변경합니다.

또한 코어 라이브러리만 로드하면 적용할 수 있도록 아키텍쳐를 변경하기 위하여 본 레파지토리를 ReBuild 합니다.

[Document] http://www.313.co.kr/confluence/display/WIKI/1.0+jsTree+Service+Framework

[IssueTracker] http://www.313.co.kr/jira/browse/SP-535

[VersionControl] https://github.com/jstree/jsTree-Service-Framework-Backend-App

[CodeReview] http://www.313.co.kr/fecru/changelog/jsTreeServiceFrameworkBackendAppRepo

[BuildManager] http://www.313.co.kr/bamboo/browse/STAN-RC

[ArtifactManager] http://www.313.co.kr/nexus/content/repositories/StandardProject/

[CodeAnalysis] http://www.313.co.kr/sonar/dashboard/index/4772

[Docker] https://hub.docker.com/r/313devgrp/jstree-service-framework-backend-app/

  1. … 4842 more files in changeset.
[ TSF Core-Module 분리 및 Web-Module 독립 운영 ]

[SmartCommit] SP-535 #close #time 1h +review SR @dongmin.lee

#comment TSF의 설정 파일을 META-INF로 이동했으며,

독립적인 jar파일로 dependency를 구성하여 프로젝트에 적용할 수 있도록

구조를 변경하고 반영함.

[Document] http://www.313.co.kr/confluence/display/WIKI/1.0+jsTree+Service+Framework

[IssueTracker] http://www.313.co.kr/jira/browse/SP-535

[VersionControl] https://github.com/jstree/jsTree-Service-Framework-Backend-App

[CodeReview] http://www.313.co.kr/fecru/changelog/jsTreeServiceFrameworkBackendAppRepo

[BuildManager] http://www.313.co.kr/bamboo/browse/STAN-RC

[ArtifactManager] http://www.313.co.kr/nexus/content/repositories/StandardProject/

[CodeAnalysis] http://www.313.co.kr/sonar/dashboard/index/4772

[Docker] https://hub.docker.com/r/313devgrp/jstree-service-framework-backend-app/

  1. … 4849 more files in changeset.
i never stop i always go ahead

  1. … 787 more files in changeset.

  1. … 652 more files in changeset.
i know fail. but i will success to msa

  1. … 544 more files in changeset.
Fail to MSA Retry...shit...

  1. … 399 more files in changeset.

  1. … 936 more files in changeset.
revert project because not normal build excution.

  1. … 487 more files in changeset.
msa is not need that api gatewat server. at least. java application. thus i make like this project

    • -0
    • +4
  1. … 280 more files in changeset.