Evaluation license expires Wed Dec 31 22:00:00 KST 2098
5 years and 4 months ago
[ jsTree Service Framework(TSF) : Sonar Lint 에서 검출된 냄새가 많이 나는 코드를 삭제함 : 사용하지 않음.] eng title : remove class code. it is bad smell code by so… Show more
[ jsTree Service Framework(TSF) : Sonar Lint 에서 검출된 냄새가 많이 나는 코드를 삭제함 :  사용하지 않음.] eng title : remove class code. it is bad smell code by sonar lint and not use code

[SmartCommit] SP-581 #close #time 1h +review SR @admin

#comment remove class code. it is bad smell code by sonar lint and not use code

[Document] http://www.313.co.kr/confluence/display/WIKI

[IssueTracker] http://www.313.co.kr/jira/browse/SP-582

[VersionControl] https://github.com/jstree/JavaServiceTree-CoreModule

[CodeReview] http://www.313.co.kr/fecru/project/SR

[BuildManager] http://www.313.co.kr/bamboo/browse/STAN-RC

[ArtifactManager] http://www.313.co.kr/nexus/content/repositories/StandardProject/

[CodeAnalysis] http://www.313.co.kr/sonar/dashboard/index/5694

[Docker] https://hub.docker.com/u/313devgrp

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